IntroductionMagazineHoroscopesA lion in a golden color

A lion in a golden color

Znamení zvěrokruhu - Lev

People born between July 23 and August 22, i.e. LEOS, are traditionally assigned golden precious stones.

Leo is a fire sign ruled by the Sun. For Leos, typical egoism (self-centeredness) is associated with self-confidence, self-confidence and a strong personality, in a positive sense. Leos are generous, have dreams and ambitions and plenty of creative energy, are courageous and have organizational skills.

Precious stones for the sign of Leo are: agate, golden beryl , Boji and Moqui stones, bronzite, citrine , fluorite, garnet, chrysocolla, amber , Pilbara jasper, calcite, carnelian, crystal, kunzite, larimar, "Picasso" marble, obsidian (red ), olivine, onyx, flint, pyrite , rhodochrosite, ruby, rutile , sagenite , sardonyx, sunstone, emerald, topaz (especially gold), tourmaline (pink and green), tiger's eye , turquoise.

Gold colored stones bring success , enthusiasm, luck and power.

The vibrant combination of pure yellow with the orange color of joy brings together royal gold. Gold-colored stones are the personal stones of people born in the magical month of midsummer, i.e. July 23 to August 22, under the sign of LVA.
It is the time when we rejoice in the energy of the Sun, which gives strength to body and soul. The rays of golden crystals fill us and support the enthusiasm and excitement that make our life a wonderful adventure.
Gold is the traditional color of kings, wealth and the Sun and seems to touch a deep part of our mind, conjuring up images of mystical places, treasure and adventure.
We instinctively look for this color, which gives a feeling of wealth, security and success. It is the color of many symbols representing power and wealth.
Gold is the color of the earth in the middle of summer, it is a ray of preciousness, wealth and natural value. Yellow enriches the spirit, orange strengthens health. Gold represents the crown of life, it is all life – sweet, warm, growing and peaking. It is bright, sometimes dazzling, but always with a touch of wonder and inspiration. Gold means freedom, abundance, excess.

When do you need light gold colored crystals?

When there is a desire for adventure, the need to strengthen enthusiasm, ambition, excitement, to promote zest for life, new beginnings and to alleviate fears and worries.

Stones of darker golden hues are used for deeper commitment and enthusiasm and to strengthen the ability to share a lifelong commitment of care and love. They strengthen the ability to lead projects, organize and thus support the achievement of success. They are used to increase authority, leadership and influence.
They are excellent helpers for promoting influence, material wealth, power, success, fame and a sense of power and importance.

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Precious stones of lighter to pale shades of gold color (similar to the color of linen fibers) are crystals of happiness , joy and satisfaction. These stones provide pleasure in life, especially that which is hidden in small things and simple things.

Light golden stones such as golden beryl, citrine and gold are best for overall happiness and contentment, promoting confidence and self-confidence, enthusiasm, overcoming pessimism and dealing with sadness.

Although gold precious stones, semi-precious stones and crystals are intended especially for people born under the sign of Leo, this does not mean that someone else cannot have them, especially for their positive effects in the physical, mental and spiritual spheres, but even just perhaps because they are beautiful, or for joy and pleasure!

Healing stones

Important notice: all the information given here about the healing properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals is only informative, drawn from generally known information and sources. They are not instructions for bypassing classical treatment . Always remember that the use of precious healing stones is not an alternative method to conventional medical care! If you feel the symptoms of any illness, always see your doctor! Use healing stone abilities only as a supplement to conventional healing, not as a replacement.

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