IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasAgate


Agate Lake superior pendant silver P6 1

Uses: Courage, Strength, Healing, Longevity, Love, Protection, Soil Fertility, Grounding
Properties: assigned to the planet Mercury.
Metaphysical properties: Agate is a very stable stone that gives us emotional, physical and mental balance, supports self-confidence and helps self-knowledge, reveals hitherto hidden circumstances and draws the owner's attention to imbalances that disturb his well-being, strengthens concentration and practical decisions, gives courage and honesty itself to each other. It helps to overcome negative feelings, bitterness, inner malice, removes inner tension. It induces a feeling of safety and security, strengthens love and gives courage to find a new love, helps with emotional disappointments. It stabilizes the aura, cancels and transforms negative energies. An excellent protective stone for small children.
Medicinal use: helps prevent intestinal problems, relieves gastritis, stimulates the digestive tract, helps treat eyes, stomach and uterus. It is said to help cleanse the lymphatic system and pancreas, strengthen blood circulation, protect against the development of skin diseases and aid in their treatment.
Types of agate:
Banded agate generally has a projective energy and belongs to the element of fire. It is a protective stone, relieves stress and restores body energy.
Green agate has receptive energy and belongs to the earth element. Increases mental and emotional adaptability, improves decision-making ability, helps in resolving disputes. It is worn to improve eyesight and a green agate elixir is believed to help with infertility.
Pink agate strengthens the love between parents and children, it is suitable to wear on the heart.
Botswana agate is excellent for quitting smoking, helps overcome depression and relieves tension, stimulates the activity of the crown chakra.
Blue agate has receptive energy and belongs to the element of water. It ensures peace and happiness, relieves stress, alleviates quarrels in the home and family, provides its wearer with great support and a source of strength. It removes feelings of old grievances, stimulates a new way of expression and has perfect healing effects on the neck and shoulder area, throat, thyroid gland and lymph nodes, reduces fever, strengthens the skeletal system and accelerates the healing of fractures.
Tree agate has projective energy and belongs to the element of fire. It is a stone of abundance, it brings abundance and wealth to all areas of human life, it brings success to any
business. It is strongly connected to the plant kingdom and deepens the connection with the earth. It creates calm and peace and helps to live each moment to the fullest. It opens and harmonizes all chakras and heals imbalances caused by chakra imbalances. It helps with migraines, treats disorders of the nervous system, stimulates the circulatory system.
Fire agate has projective energy and belongs to the element of fire. It promotes calm and balance, grounds, brings a sense of safety and security, removes fear. It has significant protective effects, creates a protective shield around the body, reflects negative forces back to the originator. It helps in the treatment of addictions, aids sexual activity, treats nerves, stomach, disorders of the circulatory system, clears the eyes. It opens the root chakra, and when applied to a burnt out chakra, it gently reconnects it, purifies the etheric blocks and energizes the aura.

Moss agate has a receptive energy and belongs to the earth element. It is strongly connected with nature, has the ability to restore a disturbed balance, refreshes the soul and shows everything beautiful around. Very suitable for all plant growers. It attracts wealth, happiness, new friends and ensures longevity. It relieves labor pains and ensures a successful delivery. It helps to relax a stiff neck, treats infections, colds and reduces fever. It provides a new dose of energy to an exhausted organism.

White agate breaks sharply at the corners, like the fortifications of a castle, Botswana is light and dark banded, lacy alternates pale blue bands with white or clear, fiery is formed by intergrown inclusions of rusty hematite, moss lacks banding at all, is white or gray and grows into structures resembling a tiny tree in brown, black or green.

Gray agate has projective energy and belongs to the element of fire. It is a protective stone, relieves stress and restores body energy.

Lake Superior agate is a type of beautifully and unmistakably colored iron agate found on the shores of Lake Superior, the largest and deepest of the Great Lakes in North America. It extends into the province of Ontario in the northeast, the state of Minnesota in the west, Wisconsin and Michigan in the south. Agate was formed during a volcanic eruption of iron-rich lava that was in the area of present-day Minnesota about a billion years ago. Thanks to the action of the glacier, freezing and thawing, the agates were gradually released from the lava flows, broken, abraded and polished. Lake Superior agate is characterized by its rich red, orange and yellow coloration, which is due to its iron oxide content. This creates beautiful color fields, mosaics and bands that give each of these agates their uniqueness. White, gray and black stripes can also occur in agates.

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Lake Superior Agate is intended for physical grounding and self-worth awareness. It is suitable for supporting strength and vital energy and suppressing stress. It is a talisman that is traditionally used to suppress insomnia and induce pleasant dreams, and for this purpose a piece of agate can be placed under the pillow. It is a stone of personal courage, a strong protective stone against danger, has a calming effect, improves perception and concentration and helps develop analytical skills. Harmonizes the root chakra. In Feng Shui, it represents the energy of water, the energy of silence, the power of calm and purification. He is the embodiment of unrealized possibilities and abilities. It is pliable and very strong. The water element brings the power of regeneration and rebirth, it is the energy of the circle of life. Agate is suitable for all spaces that are used for relaxation, relaxation, prayer or meditation. The energy of water is traditionally associated with the northern part of a room, apartment or house. It is associated with the area of career and life path.

Agate is a mineral, a concentrically finely and coarsely layered variety of chalcedony (quartz), it is a mixture of strips of quartz, chalcedony and opal.

The degree of hardness is 6 to 7.

Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

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