IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasAmethyst - a gemstone that deserves attention

Amethyst - a gemstone that deserves attention

Amethyst is a variety of quartz, a mineral that is found in a variety of shades of purple, from light, through lilac, dark purple to purple. It is one of the gems and is very popular worldwide in the form of jewelry, guardian angels, geodes as home accessories, candlesticks, etc. Its use is also widespread, based on folk traditions and legends, where it is believed that a piece of amethyst under a pillow can improve sleep and sleep quality. The degree of hardness on the Mohs scale is 7. The name comes from the Greek word amethystos, which means non-intoxicating.

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Amethyst has been widely regarded for centuries as an extremely powerful protective stone . Since the time of the ancient Romans, he has been said to have strong supportive and cleansing powers, to drive away insomnia and nightmares. To this day, amethyst is considered a stone of calm that banishes stress and negative emotions, soothes fears, anger, worries and anger, increases hopes, banishes guilt, sharpens the mind. Amethyst in folk tradition is a stone of true, pure love, which strengthens fidelity . It helps to concentrate, to accept new ideas, it adds determination, it develops intuition, it supports the transformation of intentions into reality. The ancient Romans used it to drink a lot of wine because they believed that amethyst would help them eliminate drunkenness and a hangover. Since then, amethyst has been reported to help with alcoholism and other addictions.
Amethyst is one of the gems that are traditionally dedicated to wedding anniversaries , specifically the 6th anniversary, or the 4th and 17th anniversaries. amethyst-druza-srdicko-privesek-stribro-ls-220-11_1
Amethyst is one of the talismans of love. It is traditionally associated with February, the moon the Romans dedicated to Neptune, the god of the seas, oceans and all waters. It is also a stone of St. Valentine and faithful love, it carries the energy of fire and passion, creativity and the logic of sobriety and sobriety. It is a suitable gift for partners, in the form of a stone or jewelry. When given as a ring, it is considered a stone of fidelity and can recall lost love in the form of a locket.

Amethyst site
Here are some examples and tips for all the sites.

Amethyst deposits in the Czech Republic
In the Czech Republic, amethysts are found in the Hradec Králové region, as well as agates: Železnice, Doubravice.
In the district of Karlovy Vary it is, for example, Horní Slavkov, Krásno and Mariánské Lázně.
In the district of Liberec it is, for example, Jablonec nad Nisou, Frýdštějn, Bezděčín, Kořenov, Harrachov, and many others.

World sites
Sri Lanka
and many other sites.
Since the 19th century, amethyst has been imported mainly from Brazil and Uruguay.

The largest amethyst discovered so far is 3 m long, 1.8 m wide, 2.2 m high and weighs 13 tons. It is on display at the Shandong Tianyu Museum in China.

Amethyst is a gemstone that definitely deserves attention. If you are interested in what effects are attributed to this beautiful mineral, then read the article Amethyst - what are the effects of this draocam? In the article Amethyst - Passion, Love, Humility, Understanding and Imagination, you will read, among other things, about the legends with which amethyst is entangled, about its use as a talisman of love and what it represents in Feng Shui. An overview of features can be found here.

She wrote the article for you on January 29, 2022: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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