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Amethyst - passion, love, humility, understanding and imagination

Amethyst, a variety of crystallized quartz, in color from light purple to magenta, nowadays classified as a semi-precious stone, is found mainly in the cavities of alkaline rocks (so-called geodes). The color is caused by the presence of manganese in the quartz and the shades of purple depend on the amount of iron. It has been a stone prized since ancient times for its beautiful purple color and strong soothing and emotional effects. In antiquity, it was called the "stone of fire" and was considered a gemstone similar to a diamond.
Amethyst deposits are found in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, purple stones are found in Africa, Sri Lanka and Borneo, and since the 19th century, amethyst has been imported mainly from Brazil and Uruguay.

The name is etymologically derived from the ancient Greek "ametusthos", which means "not drunk with wine" (not under the influence of alcohol).
The legend of ancient Greece says that the god of wine and merriment - Dionysus was angry with the mortal girl Amethyst, who did not show him due respect. He sent 2 tigers to kill her, but the goddess Artemis turned her into crystal. When God saw the mistake he made, he felt sorry and poured red wine into the crystal, which then became Amethyst .

Amethyst has been used to prevent drunkenness. The ancient Greeks and Romans drank wine from amethyst glasses because they believed that wine would not intoxicate them.

Traditionally, amethyst is associated with February, the moon dedicated by the Romans to Neptune, the god of the seas, oceans, and all waters. It is also a stone of St. Valentine and faithful love, it carries the energy of fire and passion, creativity and the logic of sobriety and sobriety. It is a suitable gift for partners, in the form of a stone or jewelry. When given as a ring , it is considered a stone of fidelity and can recall lost love in the form of a locket.

Amethyst as a talisman

Historically, amethyst was used as a talisman for many qualities, especially intelligence support, as a talisman in business negotiations, passengers used it as protection against unexpected attacks, soldiers believed that amethyst would ensure their victory, hunters used amethyst talisman to ensure successful hunting and was considered for a protective stone against witchcraft and black magic. The kings wore amethyst not only for decoration, but also for protection against diseases and infections. Dark colored amethyst is suitable for artists, composers, inventors, poets and painters to enhance creativity and increase vitality and effort. Egyptian dignitaries used amethyst as protection against personal betrayal and assault.
Amethyst is also known as the "bishop's stone" and is worn on the index finger of the right hand.

Amethyst effects and uses

Amethyst is mainly used to suppress negative energy, harmonizes the frontal and crown chakras , supports thinking, intuition and mental abilities. It is considered a stone of wisdom and understanding. Amethyst carries a strong energy that affects the frontal chakra - the center of our perception and command. It controls our eyesight and daily awareness of the world. When this chakra is in balance, we are open to new thoughts, dreams and visions. Dark purple crystals, which embody mystery, wisdom and judgment, are mainly used for harmonization. The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is the gateway to the extended universe. It controls our thinking and reactions to the world around us. It is the source of our faith and the source of spirituality, it connects us to higher levels of being and is the source of universal energy and truth. If it is in balance, then our energies are also in balance. Light purple stones are suitable for harmonizing the crown chakra, whose rays carry a universal life force, dreams, inspiration and destiny.

Amethyst occurs together, for example, with citrine (amethrin), cacoxenite or as so-called chevron amethyst, which changes from dark purple to white quartz. Amethyst cacoxene mixes dark brown to yellow tufts of cacoxenite, purple amethyst, white rock crystal, smoky, rutile, goethite and lepidocritus and is also known as " Super 7 " or "Melody Stone".
Amethrin, a harmonious combination of amethyst and citrine, is used to promote creativity, new ideas and insights. It is considered a "healing stone", suppresses tension and brings a feeling of overall well-being.

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Amethyst is considered an "all-healer." Natural amethyst in the form of geodes suppresses negative energy in the room or in the building and helps to dampen the hostile environment and is used to protect against psychological pressure.
A piece of amethyst under the pillow helps to create peaceful dreams, relieve stress, suppress insomnia, nightmares and fear of the dark.

Amethyst is used to fight addictions, especially in quitting smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs. It provides the strength needed to gain liberation from someone else's bad influence.

Use of amethyst

Amethyst finds application in the fight against physical ailments, emotional problems and in the harmonization of chakras. It is primarily associated with diseases of the nervous system, suppression of nightmares, insomnia and balance of the crown chakra. It is used to alleviate problems with the digestive system, nervous system and skin. In the form of an elixir, it is suitable as an adjunct in the treatment of arthritis and swelling.
If a piece of amethyst is heated and placed on the forehead, it will reduce pulsation and headaches.

Instructions on how to prepare the elixir can be found at the following link:

Emotional use of amethyst

By dampening negativity, amethyst is suitable for overwork and overloading, for damping stress and for overall calming. It is used to determine the cause of one's negative behaviors, habits and emotional patterns that create an imbalance and can lead to illness. Because amethyst is considered a stone that promotes wisdom and understanding, it is suitable for reassuring those who mourn the loss of a loved one, to suppress grief, and to understand that the soul is being released from the physical body.

Spiritual energy of amethyst

Amethyst carries high spiritual vibrations of humility and devotion. He is very auspicious for his own thoughts, prayers and meditation, and for understanding everything that is greater and more important than his own "I." It is a stone of spiritual protection and purification, it is suitable as a resonant shield of spiritual light around us. It acts as a barrier against psychological attacks, negative energy of the environment, stress and unhealthy environment.

Amethyst embodies a red-purple ray that connects the beginnings and ends as something ends with the old year and something else begins with the new. It brings passion, imagination and emotions, supports creativity, artistic endeavors, helps to look into our souls and see ourselves as our surroundings see us. It is a ray of self-esteem and self-knowledge. Dark amethyst allows you to see the future, improves the perception of the possible effects of our decisions.

This beautiful purple stone is one of the most suitable crystals for meditation, especially due to influencing deep thinking, enhancing understanding, encouraging the mind and promoting humility.

Amethyst celebrates the Greek goddess of hunting Artemis, who represents the love of mountains and forests, as well as the Roman goddess of the Moon Diana, the protector of animals.

Amethyst and zodiac signs

Amethyst is a personal stone traditionally assigned to people born in February, ie Aquarius (Aquarius, January 21 to February 20) and Pisces (Pisces, February 21 to March 20).

Aquarius is one of the air signs ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus. Under the influence of Saturn, people born in the sign of Aquarius are calm, focused and persistent, and under the influence of Uranus, they are original and irritable. Enthusiasm for life is typical for this sign, self-confidence, self-confidence and the ability to use what they have learned are characteristic. Laziness can be a negative trait, so he still has to improve and fulfill his dreams and ambitions.

Pisces is one of the water signs ruled by the planets Neptune and Jupiter. People born under the sign of Pisces excel in their selfless and sensitive approach to others. Doubts about their own abilities and lack of self-confidence are typical for them. Characteristics are reliability, sincerity, trustworthiness and willingness to help others.

But Amethyst is also assigned to other signs of the Zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

Amethyst and Feng Shui

In Feng Shui , amethyst represents the energy of fire , which embodies enthusiasm, fervor, intelligibility, enlightenment and activity, emotions and passion. The energy of fire is traditionally associated with the southern part of a room, apartment or house and ensures the reputation of the dwelling and the position within the family.

According to the Roman poet Ovid, Amethyst was found along with artifacts of Neolithic people. It was used for the production of beads and amulets in many cultures and later as an ornament of ruling insignia - crowns, scepters and apples.

Legends associated with amethyst

The ancient Egyptians used amethyst as a healing stone, to alleviate anxiety and guilt, as a strong protective stone on the road. The Greeks and Romans protected it from the effects of alcohol, and used it as a protection against nightmares, to evoke pleasant dreams.
The Peruvians were convinced that if they engraved an image of the Sun and the Moon on amethyst and hung it around their necks, they would protect them as a spell against witchcraft.
The ancient philosopher and warrior Pliny the Elder stated in his encyclopedia that both the image of the Sun and the Moon on amethyst protects its owner against snake venoms.

Amethyst, along with iolite, topaz, olivine, citrine, carnelian and garnet , is part of chakra jewelry .

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Find out how to clean and recharge this beautiful gem here.

Important note: all data given here on the healing properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals are only informative, drawn from generally known information and sources. They are not a guide on how to circumvent traditional treatment and use of medicines. Always keep in mind that the use of precious stones is not an alternative method to conventional medical care! If you feel symptoms of any disease, always see your doctor! Use the healing stones' abilities only as an adjunct and psychological support to conventional treatment, not as a substitute.

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