IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasAmethyst properties overview

Amethyst properties overview

Amethyst is traditionally a stone of purity, piety and used to be the jewel of kings. It is an extremely powerful stone with tremendous protective power, it has high spiritual vibrations. Amethyst is a receptive stone, assigned to the planets Jupiter, Neptune and the element of water.

Properties and use of amethyst in supporting the treatment of physical, emotional and mental problems

Amethyst primary chakra


6th forehead chakra

Amethyst secondary chakra


7th crown chakra

Amethyst for zodiac signs:


Aquarius, Capricorn, Fish, Virgo

Amethyst numerical vibration


Number 3

Amethyst in physical illness


acne, addiction, alcoholism, blood, brain, bruises, digestion, dreams, eczema, emphysema, endocrine system, headache, postoperative treatment, hearing loss, herpes, hormone production, immune system, injury, insomnia, itching, lungs , memory, metabolism, migraine, nightmares, excessive indulgence, pain, parasites, physical hyperactivity, pituitary, psoriasis, respiratory tract, skin, skin irritation, sleep, smoking, swelling, weakness, well-being, wrinkles

Amethyst and emotional problems or illnesses


anger, anxiety, psychological support in managing cancer treatment, decision making, dissipation of negativity, emotional pain, fear, grief, loss, love, motivation, nightmares, peace and harmony, stress reduction, selflessness, composure, depression relief

Amethyst and spiritual difficulties or diseases


astral travel, consciousness, self-awareness, crown chakra, dream reminder, dreaming, harmony, Higher Self, intuition, love, state of meditation, protection, psychic abilities, psychic abilities, vibration enhancement, telekinesis, visualization, wisdom

Affirmations for amethyst in meditation


With amethyst, I have unlimited possibilities

Amethyst color


lavender, purple

Amethyst site


Bolivia, Brazil, China, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Tanzania, Uruguay


Amethyst and its availability


commonly available semi-precious stone

Amethyst and its chemical and natural properties


Crystalline system


trigonal crystalline system



degree of hardness 7

Amethyst chemical composition


SiO2 Silicon Dioxide

Amethyst mineral class




amethyst druse with calcite crystals

Amethyst is one of the gems that definitely deserves your attention. You can read the article here.
Important note: all data given here on the healing properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals are only informative, drawn from generally known information and sources. They are not a guide on how to circumvent traditional treatment and use of medicines. Always keep in mind that the use of precious stones is not an alternative method to conventional medical care! If you feel symptoms of any disease, always see your doctor! Use the healing stones' abilities only as an adjunct and psychological support to conventional treatment, not as a substitute.


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