Amethyst - the stone of people born in February
Lovers of gemstones and natural treasures, prepare for a journey full of fascinating discoveries! Amethyst, a stone characterized by its magical purple hues, is not only a beautiful natural gem, but also a deeply symbolic mineral that accompanies people born in February as their birthstone. You will love amethyst not only for its beauty, but also because it is considered a stone of love, passion, understanding and a stone of peaceful sleep. We will explore its origin, meaning and secrets that make it an indispensable talisman. Discover why amethyst is loved all over the world - not only by those born in February!
Amethyst is a traditional stone for the 6th wedding anniversary , or as an alternative jewelry for the 4th and 17th anniversaries.
If you are choosing jewelry for any wedding anniversary, we will be happy to advise you.
We have already written several articles about amethyst. If you like this gemstone, you will surely be interested in Amethyst - a gemstone that deserves attention or Amethyst - passion, love, humility, understanding and imagination.
Amethyst increases inner peace and supports emotional stability. Its calming energy leads to a sense of harmony and overall well-being. Whether you adorn your wrist with an amethyst bracelet, or wear a pendant, ring or earrings, feel the energy of its red-violet rays that amethyst combines. It is the fiery passion of red and the intuition of purple, it is a stone of understanding and self-knowledge.
Amethyst - meaning and history
Amethyst is one of the most well-known and valuable gemstones in the quartz group. Its beautiful purple color and rich symbolism have contributed to its popularity for thousands of years.
The name comes from the Greek word amethystos, which means unalloyed.
Ancient civilizations: In Greece and Rome, amethyst was highly valued and often used in jewelry and amulets. According to Greek mythology, amethyst originated from a nymph named Amethystos, who was turned into stone by the goddess Artemis to protect her from the drunken god Dionysus.
Middle Ages: In the Middle Ages, amethyst was especially popular with church dignitaries and monarchs. It was a symbol of humility, piety, and divine power. Many bishops' rings contained amethyst.
Royal jewelry: Amethyst enjoyed the same popularity as diamonds, sapphires, or emeralds, which is why it adorned crown jewels and royal insignia.
Present: The price of amethyst decreased after the discovery of large deposits in Brazil and Uruguay in the 19th century. This brought it to wider awareness and increased its popularity.
Amethyst color symbolism
Amethyst is the result of red and purple. Purple is a symbol of creativity, self-knowledge, understanding and perception. Red embodies passion, energy, fire power, courage and love. It is the color of passion, energy and life. It is the color of motivation, fire and blood. Red is a color that can increase blood pressure, it is a call to action, a color that calls for battle and warns.
Together, both colors in Feng Shui symbolize the energy of fire, enthusiasm, warmth, warmth and activity, promoting positive thinking and zest for life. Amethyst is the color of the crown chakra.
Amethyst Symbolism and Properties
Symbol of spirituality and wisdom
Amethyst is often associated with spirituality, intuition, and higher consciousness. In many cultures, it is considered a stone that aids meditation and introspection.
For centuries, amethyst has been used as a protector against negative energies, stress, and bad influences.
Connection with peace and balance
Amethyst has traditionally been used to relieve anxiety and bring peace of mind. Some people use it as a tool to improve sleep or alleviate nightmares.
Symbol of sobriety
The name amethyst comes from the Greek word "amethystos" , meaning "undrunk". According to ancient beliefs, the stone was supposed to protect against the negative effects of alcohol and promote sobriety and clarity of mind.
Love, passion
Amethyst is considered a stone of love, passion, humility and understanding.
Amethyst shrouded in myths and legends
In ancient Egypt, amethyst was used as a healing stone, to alleviate fear and guilt, and as a powerful protective stone on journeys. The Greeks and Romans used it to protect themselves from the effects of alcohol, and to protect against nightmares, to induce restful sleep and pleasant dreams.
The Peruvians believed that if they engraved an image of the Sun and Moon on an amethyst and hung it around their neck, it would protect them as a charm against witchcraft.
The ancient philosopher and warrior Pliny the Elder stated in his encyclopedia that both the image of the Sun and the Moon on an amethyst protects its owner against snake venom.
Amethyst is always part of chakra jewelry, together with iolite, sodalite or lapis lazuli, topaz, olivine, citrine, carnelian and garnet .
Where are amethysts found?
Amethysts are found in many parts of the world, but their quality, color, and size vary depending on the location, thus their popularity and price.
The most important amethyst deposits are:
Canada |
Thunder Bay is located in the province of Ontario, where amethysts with characteristic reddish tones due to the hematite content are mined. |
U.S.A. |
Africa |
Asia |
Europe |
Australia |
Australia produces medium-quality amethysts, primarily in the state of Queensland. |
The largest amethyst discovered to date is 3 m long, 1.8 m wide, 2.2 m high and weighs 13 tons. It is on display at the Shandong Tianyu Museum in China.
Cleaning and recharging amethyst is an important process, especially if it is used as a spiritual or protective stone. It should be repeated at least once a month. We wrote an article for : Caring for Precious Stones.
Amethyst can be easily cleaned by rinsing it under lukewarm running water, or by immersing it in a bowl of water for a few minutes. The water should not be hot or cold to avoid damaging the mineral.
If you have sea salt at home, pour it into a bowl and place the amethyst on it for a few hours. This method is only suitable for tumbled or raw stones.
Combine the pleasant with the useful and cleanse the amethyst using herbal smoke, whether from an incense stick or bundle, or from holy wood - Palo santo.
The best way to recharge a cleansed amethyst is in the moonlight, especially during a full moon. You can also bury it in the ground for a few hours or days. To recharge your energy, place the amethyst on a larger piece of crystal and leave it there for a few hours.
- Direct sunlight: amethyst fades over time and loses its rich color.
- Chemicals: avoid contact with chemicals such as detergents, soaps, soaking in water (fresh, salt and chlorinated ), and remove amethyst jewelry when playing sports.
You can find all methods of cleaning and recharging stones in our article here.
We have jewelry from our suppliers verified for the authenticity of stones by the Czech Gemological Laboratory Ltd., certificates can be found here.
Are you interested in birthstones? Learn more here.
We wrote the article for you on January 20, 2024.
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