Amethyst - what are the effects of this gemstone?
Amethyst ... is considered a gemstone, it is used to harmonize the crown chakra, it is the color of personal stones of people born in the sign of Sagittarius, chemically it is a variety of quartz of various purple color, degree of hardness 7 ...
We wrote about amethyst in connection with the properties that are traditionally assigned to it, such as talisman. Article Amethyst - passion, love, humility, understanding and imagination can be found here.
An overview of the properties of amethyst can be found in the article of the same name.
Amethyst - effects
Amethyst has been widely regarded for centuries as an extremely powerful protective stone . Since the time of the ancient Romans, he has been said to have strong supportive and cleansing powers, to drive away insomnia and nightmares. To this day, amethyst is considered in literature as a stone of calm, which dispels stress and negative emotions, soothes fears, anger, worries and anger, increases hopes, dispels guilt, sharpens the mind. Amethyst in folk tradition is a stone of true, pure love, which strengthens fidelity . It helps to concentrate, to accept new ideas, it adds determination, it develops intuition, it supports the transformation of intentions into reality. The ancient Romans used it to drink a lot of wine because they believed that amethyst would help them eliminate drunkenness and a hangover. Since then, amethyst has been reported to help with alcoholism and other addictions.
If the effects of amethyst are mentioned, or you are looking for amethyst medicinal effects in one of the internet search engines, they cannot be confused, for example, with therapeutic effects, which must be substantiated by a clinical trial. However, some drugs have a placebo effect in some diseases, which is due to the patient's belief in treatment.
Amethyst in tradition
Traditionally, amethyst is associated with February. The Romans dedicated this month to Neptune, the god of the seas, oceans and all waters.
Amethyst is the stone of St. Valentine and faithful love, it represents the energy of fire and passion. Amethyst jewelry is a suitable gift for the 4th, 6th and 17th wedding anniversaries.
Effects - traditionally used to suppress negative energy, to harmonize the crown chakra.
It is the personal stone of people born in the sign of Sagittarius, ie from November 23 to December 21.
Its red-purple rays connect the time, which is the transition between the ending old and the beginning of the new year, and herald the onset of winter.
It is considered a stone of humility, understanding and imagination.
Traditionally, amethyst is used for insomnia, when a piece of it can be placed under a pillow, or, for example, a tree of happiness can be placed on a bedside table.
Amethyst and chakras
Amethyst is used to harmonize and purify the 6th chakra - the Third Eye chakra and the 7th chakra - the crown chakra. You can read more about chakra balance here.
Create your own blend of essential oils, which you can smell through an aroma lamp or aroma diffuser not only for harmonizing the chakra and meditation, but also for moments of well-being and relaxation.
A mixture of essential oils for meditation
2 drops of nutmeg sage
1 drop palo santo
1 drop of lemongrass
- add amethyst or lapis lazuli to the mixture.
Amethyst in Feng Shui uses the energy of fire, the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, intelligibility, enlightenment and activity, emotions and passion . In nature, it symbolizes the male element Yang, light and creative power, personifying reason and penetrability. The energy of fire is traditionally associated with the southern part of a room, apartment or house and ensures the reputation of the dwelling and its own position within the family.
Amethyst is a receptive stone. It cleans and recharges with the energy of the moon's rays. Receptive stone bracelets are worn on the left wrist. It relieves stress, induces peace and a feeling of harmony. They radiate the feminine energy of yin into the surroundings, which embodies the subtle feminine power and empathy.
Which place is best for placing amethyst in terms of Feng Shui?
According to the Bagua regions: the northeast is most suitable for promoting spiritual growth, the southeastern region promotes wealth and abundance, and the southern part prestige and reputation.
A piece of amethyst under the pillow like a talisman promotes restful sleep and suppresses bad dreams.
Amethyst is one of the wonderful minerals that you should definitely have with you, whether in the form of a tumbled piece, jewelry, a tree of happiness, a bracelet or even a keychain.
You can read where amethyst is located and where it is most often imported from here.
She wrote the article for you on October 16, 2021: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová
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