IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasAnthophyllite


Anthophyllite uses and effects: stress relief, calmness, protection, safety, intuition, creativity, inspiration, grounding, courage, confidence, self-knowledge, personal power and strength.

Properties: receptive stone, assigned to the planets Jupiter, Neptune and the element of water.
It is traditionally a stone of purity, piety and used to be the jewel of kings. It is an extremely powerful stone with tremendous protective power, it has high spiritual vibrations. It has a strong healing and cleansing power, drives away insomnia and nightmares, induces peaceful sleep and pleasant healing dreams. It is a stone of calmness, dispels stress and negative emotions, calms fears, anger, worries and anger, increases hope, dispels guilt, sharpens the mind, is a stone of true, pure, emotional love, strengthens loyalty. It aids concentration, helps to accept new ideas, adds decisiveness, develops intuition, supports the transformation of intentions into reality. It helps in the treatment of alcoholism and other addictions. Cleanses and harmonizes the throat and crown chakra.

Medicinal use: on a physical level, anthophyllite is said to help relieve headaches, relieve tension, aid in conventional treatment for stomach and respiratory problems, support classical medical procedures in the treatment of the colon and digestive tract imbalances. Anthophyllite helps in the proper absorption of nutrients. It is also reported that anthophyllite supports the treatment of vision and throat diseases. On a psychological level, anthophyllite is an effective helper against mental tension and stress.

Location: Finland, USA (Georgia, North Carolina)

Colors: usually clove brown, beige, green, greenish or brownish green

Technical description: amphibolite is mostly brown in color, similar to the color of the clove spice, hence its name from the Latin "anthophyllum" - clove. Anthophyllite is transparent to translucent, its properties change depending on the iron content in the stone structure. It is mainly found in slate and gneiss, rich in magnesium. Chemical composition: Mg7Si8O22(OH)2

Degree of hardness: 5.5-6

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