Medicinal use: treats the respiratory system and asthma. Helps with skin problems, neutralizes allergies. Strengthens eyesight.
Uses: calm, stress, relaxation, energy, healing
Properties: receptive stone, assigned to the planet Moon and the element of water.
It has a high water content, is an effective conductor of energy and a carrier of akashic records. Placed in a room, it increases energy and is a strong source of vibrations. It is an excellent stone for Reiki healing. It puts the patient into a deep state of relaxation and receptivity, while "weaning off" the person of the healer and the energy passes through the stone more cleanly. It has a calming effect, uncovers repressed feelings, overcomes fears, anger and fear. It reduces stress, removes mental blocks and negative behavior patterns. It helps with astral travel and clairvoyant observations. Activates the heart chakra.
Colors: clear, pink, green, yellow
Location: Brazil, Canada, Germany, Mexico, India, Scotland, USA
Technical description: silicate – complex aqueous potassium calcium silicate with fluorine. Transparent to translucent, vitreous luster and perfect cleavage.
Degree of hardness: 4.5-5