IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasAqua Aura crystal

Aqua Aura crystal

The so-called Aura crystals are stones made of natural crystal , the surface of which has been modified by applying various metals, such as gold, titanium, cobalt, etc. Specifically , Aqua aura crystal is a pure crystal on which gold is applied , resulting in a steel or azure blue crystal with subtle iridescent flashes of color . It is named after the predominant aquamarine color. Due to its intense vibrations, it is used to enhance the effect of other minerals and precious stones.

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Aqua aura has a calming and relaxing effect on emotions , is an excellent helper for releasing negativity and removing stress, soothes old wounds and strengthens self-confidence and self-esteem. It stimulates and harmonizes the fifth, i.e. throat chakra (Vishuddha), i.e. it strengthens the ability to express oneself and communicate. The effect of aqua aura crystal is associated with a constructive, positive way of expressing emotions, truthfulness and direct speech directly "from the heart". This type of crystal activates mental energy, releases ties to the past and creates space for something new. It deepens the spiritual attunement of its owner, it is suitable as an amulet against psychic attack and a talisman for meditation, when it strengthens the feeling of peace and security.
Aqua aura crystals help us see the beauty around us , lift the spirit and promote natural joy, hope and optimism.
They are suitable talismans for strengthening the mind in search of a path to new horizons and new possibilities. They are therefore called "starter crystals". They are suitable for scientists, adventurers, hunters, pilgrims and explorers. They help increase effort in trying to change situations and relationships and shape our lives. It teaches us to speak a "new" language, to be stronger, better and honest. They enhance our efforts to grow and develop new capabilities.

In Feng Shui, aqua aura crystals embody the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, brightness , activity, and Yang in nature, which represents action, emotion, and passion. They are traditionally associated with the northern part of the room, apartment or house. Aqua aura crystal uses water energy, calm energy , calm power and general cleansing. It is the embodiment of the potential for the realization of something new, a path of knowledge, a career and a path of life. The water element brings the power of regeneration and rebirth, i.e. the energy of the circle of life. These beautiful blue crystals are suitable for rooms that are used for rest, peace and relaxation, or for prayer.

Medicinal use: aqua aura crystal can be used as a supplement for diseases of the immune system, psychological diseases and is very beneficial for bringing the body and mind into balance.

Country of origin: USA

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