IntroductionMagazineHoroscopesAries in the turquoise color language

Aries in the turquoise color language



Turquoise gemstones are traditionally assigned to people born between March 21 and April 20, i.e. ARIES.

Aries is a fire sign and is ruled by the planet Mars .
Typical qualities are combativeness and leadership skills, courage and decisiveness. Aries are easy to learn, have an excellent memory and know how to say the right things at the right time. They are honest.

Gemstones for Aries Sign

The most suitable stones for the sign of Aries are: agate, amazonite, aquamarine, amethyst , aventurine, citrine, diamond, dumortierite, fluorite, garnet, heliotrope, hematite, white howlite (magnesite), chalcedony, chalcopyrite, chrysocolla, iolite, jadeite, jasper, carnelian , kunzite, kyanite, magnetite, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, ruby , rose gold, sapphire, serpentine, sillimanite, emerald, stilbite, tanzanite, topaz, turquoise, zoisite.

The color turquoise represents the cold winter blue ray of confidence, into which the green ray of growth and new life begins to penetrate with the coming of spring. It is a fresh color that has calming effects, the color of people born under the sign of Aries.

The turquoise color is a ray of new discoveries, it helps us find ourselves and find the lost balance in life and feelings.

Turquoise stones are suitable for achieving harmony and balance, calmness, emotional stability, restoring memories, supporting new discoveries and findings, self-awareness, balance, stability and tolerance, temperance, overcoming anxiety and stress .
Darker turquoise stones express strong energy, personify adaptability and increase tolerance.

Přírodní surový tyrkysAmazonit tromlovanýShamballa náramek tyrkysTyrkys pravý tromlovanýChryzokol

When do we need turquoise stones of lighter shades?
When we want to achieve harmony, inner peace, calm mind and understanding. Light turquoise stones are suitable for tempering anger, overcoming conflicts, acting calmly without aggression and anger, and against loneliness.
Lighter stones express the power of inner harmony and balance.

Dark turquoise stones are suitable for increasing empathy, adaptability, greater openness, reducing irritability, and increasing inner strength.

No matter which sign of the Zodiac you are or if you buy a stone of any color, we wish you that it gives you pleasure and that it brings you joy and good mood and drives away everything negative from you.

Healing stones

Important notice: all the information given here about the healing properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals is only informative, drawn from generally known information and sources. They are not instructions for bypassing classical treatment . Always remember that the use of precious healing stones is not an alternative method to conventional medical care! If you feel symptoms of any illness, always see your doctor! Use healing stone abilities only as a supplement to conventional healing, not as a replacement.

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