IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasAsterisk garnet

Asterisk garnet

Asterisk Garnet

Garnet, unusual for its "star" that can be seen on its surface, is a very rare type of garnet . The phenomenon that causes some stones to have a distinct "star" on their surface is called Asterism (star effect) and occurs far more often in asteric sapphire and asteric ruby than in garnet . However, we know more semi-precious stones and precious stones in which we can find the "star effect", but their occurrence is rare and therefore rare. "Star" stones include, for example, moonstone , crystal , spinel, citrine , diopside , emerald , chrysoberyl and beryl.

Asterisk Garnet

Asterisk garnets are rare and therefore very expensive , as they can only be found in two places in the world; in the state of Idaho, USA, and in India. This type of grenade is not found anywhere else in the world. Asteric garnets are usually opaque , with a rather brown-red to red-black color. As with other asteric stones, garnet also has a "star effect" due to inclusions of rutile . In most aster garnets the "star" has 4 rays, very rarely a piece with six rays appears, and only in aster garnets mined in Idaho. The inhabitants of this American state are so proud of "their" aster garnets that the "star" garnet has become the state stone - a symbol.

The "star" effect in most asterisk garnets is almost imperceptible and requires the right light to make it distinct. Direct sunlight is optimal, or halogen reflector. The effect is most visible when you stand above the stone and look at it diagonally down.

Due to their high price, asteric garnets are mainly used in jewelry production.

Garnet asterisk pendant silver 12

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