IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasAstrophyllite


Astrophyllite is an energetically very effective stone that shines light into your mind and soul . This beautiful crystal will help you love and appreciate yourself. Astrophyllite also helps to cope more easily with difficult situations in life and helps to come to terms with things that have happened in your life so far and with which you have not yet been able to cope, things that still weigh you down and trouble you.

Astrophyllite is often called the "Stone of Marriage" because it supports fidelity, truth and complete honesty between partners in a relationship . It is a "calm and honest" stone that brings knowledge into your life and helps you make major life changes that you have been resisting within. And since astrophyllite is literally a stone of light, its bright and pure energy will be a kind of "light" for you on the path of your life.

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Mineral properties of astrophyllite

As a mineral, astrophyllite ranks among the inosilicates , which also includes the well-known and popular charoite or rhodonite . Astrophyllite forms star-like aggregates, which also gave this stone its name. The name astrophyllite comes from Greek , a combination of two words: astron, meaning "star" and phyllon, meaning "leaf". Astrophyllite is a soft and brittle mineral, with a hardness of 3-4 on the Mohs scale. It was first discovered in 1854 in Norway.

Although it is still relatively available on the market, astrophyllite is a relatively rare stone , as it is found in only a few places in the world, mainly in Russia on the Kola Peninsula. Besides Russia, there are only a few locations in Canada (Qubec province), USA (Colorado), Norway and Greenland.

Astrophyllite is found in shades of golden yellow, bronze or even copper . Really unique pieces sometimes have a flash of blue in them. Astrophyllite is an incredibly beautiful stone in its raw state, as its needles reflect light, and astrophyllite literally sparkles with flashes of copper or bronze color. Its needles create a beautiful ornamental contrast with the light ground in which they are located . Astrophyllite is indeed a very decorative stone , which is why it is so popular, especially in the production of jewelry, where it is mainly used in its raw state.

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Metaphysical properties of astrophyllite

Astrophyllite is a stone that helps you move forward on your life's journey whenever life calls for you to make a major decision - and thus can help you find your right path. Astrophyllite encourages and strengthens our energy on all levels - spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Astrophyllite is therefore a very useful stone for anyone who wants to get rid of addictive behavior. Whether it is an addiction to smoking, alcohol or drugs, astrophyllite helps you find the strength to get rid of these habits .

Even though astrophyllite carries a beautiful, pure and calm energy, it is still classified among the stones belonging to the Storm element. It is therefore a stone for psychological protection, astrophyllite helps to bring peace to the soul and mind, provides protection against stress from work and dampens depressive feelings. Protects against bad nightmares and negative dreams. It is said to help protect its wearer against immoral and dishonest people of nature.

Astrophyllite has a positive effect on self-awareness and subsequent self-confidence. It helps people who suffer from feelings of inferiority to start loving themselves.

In partner relationships, astrophyllite often helps to unite souls in a partner relationship. It is a stone that can accentuate all the past positive experiences that you and your partner have lived together and thus strengthens partner relationships

Astrophyllite and Chakra Harmonization

Astrophyllite strengthens the correct functioning of the third eye chakra and the crown chakra with its energy . However, it is said to be a general stone that helps harmonize all chakras , as it can positively tune all vibrations from the lowest to the highest with its energy.

Astrophyllite pendant silver

Astrophyllite and combinations with other stones

If you combine astrophyllite with vltavine, it can help you create positive reasons why it is worth living your life, what is its specific purpose and goal. If you ever get into a strong life crisis, combine astrophyllite with chromium diopside , it will help you find the inner strength to cope with this crisis. If your life is too "rampant" and needs to find some anchoring point in it, then we can combine astrophyllite with grounding stones , such as black tourmaline - skoryl, onyx or black obsidian .

Astrophyllite and recharging energy

It is best to recharge the energy of astrophyllite by placing it on a windowsill where the moonlight falls, or outside in the moonlight, but be careful of humidity in the surrounding environment. You can also remove negative energy from astrophyllite and recharge it with positive energy by placing it next to the crystal so that the two stones touch each other. However, never renew the energy of raw astrophyllite under running water or by heating !

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