Atlantisit is the trade name of a wonderful stone with excellent healing properties . This graceful yet striking green and purple stone combines the metaphysical properties of two stones that are both endowed with strong positive energies - serpentine and stichtite. Atlantisite is strongly connected to nature, it is a good grounding stone when it helps to find mental strength and courage to make difficult decisions. Atlantisite is a very loving stone , helping to stimulate love and compassion. If you desire wealth , atlantisite is one of the best stones to attract not only love, but also wealth.
also called Tasmanite or Stichtite-Serpentine, is a relatively new discovery in the world of gemstones and minerals. It is a unique combination of colors including yellow-green serpentine forming a mass (matrix) containing pink-purple stichtite. Atlantisite is found in only one place in the world on a small hill called Stichtite Hill in Zeehan, Tasmania, where it is also exclusively mined. In addition to stichtite in serpentine, Atlantisite may also contain chromite and magnetite.
The hardness according to the Mohs scale is: serpentine: 3 to 4 and stichtite: 1.5 to 2.
This stone is especially popular in the jewelry industry. The trade name Atlantisit was coined by Gerald Pauley and is a registered trademark for gemstones originating from a particular mine in Tasmania.
Metaphysical properties: serpentine brings joy to our lives , helps activate the Kundalini energy, thereby stimulating sexual feelings and can thus improve personal relationships between partners, supports life energy, purity and unity. Serpentine is strongly connected to nature , it is a grounding stone, suitable for meditation, emotional cleansing, increasing mental strength and attracting love and wealth. Serpentine is an excellent helper for open dealings, opinions, keeping promises and benevolent and kind behavior towards those around you. It is used against loneliness, to increase thinking together with love and speaking with balance.
Stichtite (named after quarry manager Robert Stich), like serpentine, helps stimulate kundalini energy. It has strong vibrations that affect the heart chakra . It is a useful helper for unresolved issues as it stimulates love, compassion, forgiveness and helps with emotional balance. This beautiful stone embodies the energy of the violet ray and creates a highly spiritual connection that helps to forgive others and thus leads to deep emotional healing. Its energy helps to remove old problems related to one's own ego, facilitates the formation of new friendships and increases self-confidence.
Healing effects of atlantisit: affects the kundalini energy, thereby stimulating sexual feelings and can thus also improve personal relationships between partners. It harmonizes the heart chakra with strong vibrations.