IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasAustralian Dendritic Opal

Australian Dendritic Opal

Dendritic, but more often called moss opal, is a milky white to brownish opal with dark greenish amphibole inclusions, or yellow with red manganese inclusions that resemble moss, twigs of shrubs or ferns. For this reason, it is also called dendritic opal, the name is derived from the Greek "dendron" (tree). The two terms "mossy" and "dendritic" (similar to agate) are used interchangeably, however, they are equivalent and refer to the same stone. However, the rarest variant of mossy dendritic opal is ocher yellow with black inclusions , which is mined in the only place in the world - Australia. Australia in general is the largest source of dendritic opals , around 95% of the world's supply is mined here.

The word opal comes from the Sanskrit word "upala" (gem) . In the Middle Ages, opals were considered a stone that brought good luck to its owner, and it was believed that when an opal was wrapped in a bay leaf, its owner would become invisible.

Dendritic opal is a suitable stone for people born under the signs of Libra and Scorpio .

Australian Dendritic Opal 1

Metaphysical properties of dendritic opal

People have believed in the healing power of opal for many years. It is traditionally used to find true and real love and to fulfill all desires. It encourages spiritual growth. It is used to reduce anxiety and as an emotional "stabilizer". Dendritic opals are used to heal wounds from the past , improve the ability to interact with others and are excellent aids for achieving personal goals. As talismans, it brings abundance and prosperity.

Medicinal uses of dendritic opal

Opal generally intensifies feelings and removes inhibitions, evoking fidelity and loyalty.
Medicinal use: helps in the treatment of infection and fever, is said to have a beneficial effect on the eyes, relieves premenstrual syndrome. In the past, dendritic opal was believed to aid in childbirth, to have a purifying effect on the blood and kidneys, and to add overall strength to life. Australian dendritic opal is specific compared to other opals in that it is indicated by healers as a support agent for circulatory problems , in addition, it suppresses anxiety and stabilizes a good mood.

Mineralogical properties of dendritic Australian opal

Chemically, opal is hydrated silica , Mohs hardness: 5.5 to 5.6. Due to the water content, opals require more care so they don't crack. It is advisable to store opals in a plastic bag, wrapped in a piece of damp cotton to prevent drying. Opals are sensitive to sudden changes in temperature. In order not to scratch the opal, it is cleaned with a soft cloth. Jewelry is not used during sports and other similar activities.

General uses of dendritic opal

This beautiful type of opal is mainly used in jewelry, where it is an extremely popular stone for creating unique jewelry. Moss opal jewelry or beads are really very attractive.

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