IntroductionMagazineNewsBeautiful Japa Mala necklaces newly in our offer

Beautiful Japa Mala necklaces newly in our offer

New in our offer are sacred Buddhist prayer beads or Mala beads, which are used to calm, suppress stress and tension, as an aid to meditation. The beads are made from the wood of tropical trees such as sandalwood, bulinga keva, verawood, camphor and others.

Nowadays, however, it also serves as a fashion accessory, either as a necklace or a bracelet, suitable for various occasions.

The word Mala comes from Sanskrit and means a bunch of beads, a garland, traditionally numbering 108, sometimes even less, e.g. 18, 27 or 54 (always a number divisible by 9). Mala beads are similar to prayer beads in other religions, which is why they are sometimes called "Buddhist rosaries".

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