IntroductionMagazineNewsBeautiful plate bracelets
Beautiful plate bracelets
We have unmissable, beautiful plate bracelets made of amethyst, solar aventurine, rose gold, ametrine, aquamarine, tiger's eye, falcon's eye and bull's eye. With each of them, you can see how it looks on the wrist.
Amethyst - passion, love, understanding. Ametrine - protection, cleansing, calming. Tiger's eye - protection, energy and strength. Learn more about stones in: stone atlas
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A beautiful bracelet made of cut amethyst plates. Amethyst is a stone of love, passion, understanding and humility.
Amethyst polished extra oval plate bracelet
circuit approx. 16 to 21 cm
in stock
17.32 €12.99 €
Discount -25%

A bracelet made of cut plates of green aventurine, according to tradition, increases sensitivity, endurance, creativity and brings luck and wealth.
Aventurine green polished extra oval plate bracelet
circuit approx. 17 to 21 cm
in stock
16.55 €12.41 €
Discount -25%

A wide bracelet made of solar aventurine plates is said to increase sensitivity, endurance, creativity and bring luck and wealth.
Aventurine sun bracelet plate wide
approx. 16 to 19 cm
not in stock
9.60 €7.20 €
Discount -25%

Blue-colored falcon-eye bracelet. The falcon's eye protects, strengthens willpower, and brings prosperity and happiness.
Falcon eye plate bracelet
circuit approx. 16 to 20 cm
not in stock
13.46 €10.09 €
Discount -25%

Feng Shui curtain Chakra heart - home, office, conservatory or car. Use the pendant to harmonize the seven basic chakras.
Feng Shui pendant Chakra heart
cca 31 cm
not in stock
19.25 €14.43 €
Discount -25%

Feng Shui curtain Heart from a tiger's eye - home, office, conservatory or car. Use the curtain for protection from danger, and as a talisman of luck and prosperity.
Feng Shui pendant Heart from tiger's eye
cca 31 cm
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16.55 €6.94 €
Discount -58%

Resin plate bracelet with amethyst pieces. Amethyst is a stone of love, passion, understanding and humility.
Plate bracelet with pieces of amethyst
circuit approx. 16 to 21 cm
in stock
14.23 €10.67 €
Discount -25%

Plate bracelet made of resin with pieces of pyrite. Pyrite is a stone for positively influencing the mind and harmonizing emotional imbalances.
Plate bracelet with pieces of pyrite
circuit approx. 16 to 21 cm
in stock
15.39 €11.54 €
Discount -25%

A beautiful bracelet made of cut rose gold quartz. Rose quartz is a symbol of love, beauty and healing.
Rose quartz cut bracelet plate extra ovals
circuit approx. 16 to 21 cm
not in stock
15.39 €11.54 €
Discount -25%

A beautiful bracelet made of cut rosary plates on a rubber band. Rose quartz is a symbol of love, beauty and healing.
Rose quartz cut bracelet with extra plate rectangles
circuit approx. 17 to 22 cm
in stock
15.39 €11.54 €
Discount -25%

A beautiful bracelet made of rose quartz plates on a rubber band. Rosary is a symbol of love, beauty and healing.
Rose quartz extra plate bracelet
circuit approx. 17 to 22 cm
not in stock
15.39 €11.54 €
Discount -25%

Beautiful bracelet made of flat rosemary plates on an elastic band. Rosary is a symbol of love, beauty and healing.
Rosewood bracelet extra plate square
circumference approx. 16 to 22 cm
in stock
17.32 €10.77 €
Discount -38%

Exclusive bracelet made of cut tiger and bull's eye plates. The tiger's eye protects, strengthens willpower, and brings prosperity and happiness.
Tiger and bull's eye cut extra plate bracelet
circuit approx. 17 to 22 cm
in stock
15.39 €11.54 €
Discount -25%

Exclusive bracelet made of cut tiger plates. Tiger's eye protects, strengthens willpower, brings prosperity and happiness.
Tiger's eye polished extra oval plate bracelet
circuit approx. 17 to 21 cm
in stock
15.39 €11.54 €
Discount -25%

Exclusive bracelet made of cut tiger's eye, bull's eye and hawk's eye plates. Tiger's eye protects, strengthens willpower, brings prosperity and happiness.
Tiger's, bull's and falcon's eye cut bracelet with extra plate ovals
circuit approx. 17 to 21 cm
in stock
17.32 €12.99 €
Discount -25%