IntroductionMagazineFeng ShuiBismuth in Feng Shui

Bismuth in Feng Shui

Bismuth in Feng Shui represents the energy of water, the energy of silence, the power of calm and purification. He is the embodiment of unrealized possibilities and abilities. It is pliable and very strong. The water element brings the power of regeneration and rebirth, it is the energy of the circle of life. Bismuth is suitable for all spaces that are used for relaxation, relaxation, prayer or meditation. The energy of water is traditionally associated with the northern part of a room, apartment or house. It is associated with the area of career and life path.

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Other stones representing the energy of water include, for example, dumortierite, turquoise, sodalite, hematite, lapis lazuli, but also amber, aquamarine and others.

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