IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesCharging stones and minerals

Charging stones and minerals

There are many traditional ways to clean and recharge stones and minerals, which are used either in the form of jewelry or a raw or tumbled piece such as a talisman or amulet.
Some minerals are sensitive in certain ways, because they change mainly their color. E.g. amethyst in direct sunlight fades over time.

Stones - collage

We have chosen universal ways to ensure that you do not damage your "stones" during cleaning.
So how do you clean a stone or jewelry?

1. Smoking, about which we wrote an article, which you can read here.
For smoking, it is ideal to use a smoking bundle , such as white sage or cedar wood. You can let the bundle smolder near the cleaned and recharged mineral, or the jewelry made from it, or you can move it and thus disperse the escaping smoke.
If you would like to smoke through an incense burner, oven or bowl , then choose from palo santo, sandalwood or a wide range of incense. A selection of herbs, woods, resins, whatever you want, can be found here.

Smoking_white sage_volume_smoke

2. If you intend to use clean water, whether spring, rain, well or tap, for cleaning, keep in mind that soft minerals such as angelite, limestone, howlite, magnesite, aragonite, azurite, dolomite cannot be cleaned in this way. , malachite, selenite, sulfur, but also others that would begin to dissolve. If you are not sure whether your stone could be damaged, choose one of the above methods.

How best to charge or recharge your stones, minerals and jewelry made from them?

1. Charging via quartz / crystal. There are two ways to proceed. For the first, you will need a large crystal or drusen of quartz so that you can place a stone or jewel on it. The second possible way is to fill the bowl with tiny crystal crystals.

2. Another option is to recharge with light, whether in direct sunlight, or at sunrise or sunset, or in moonlight, preferably at full moon. In particular, direct light causes amethyst or rosary fading.
If you are not sure whether you will damage your stone, use the moonlight.

The rule for recharging stones according to whether they are classified as projective or receptive

Projective stones, which supply energy to their owner, radiate the male yang energy into the surroundings, which embodies reason, creative power and penetration, and is recharged by the energy of the sun's rays. Bracelets made of projective stones are worn on the right wrist.
Receptive stones, which are traditionally used for the feeling of harmony, radiate the feminine energy of yin into the surroundings, which embodies the subtle feminine power and empathy, and recharge with the energy of the moonlight. Receptive stone bracelets are worn on the left wrist.

Healing stones cleansing - all ways to cleanse your stones from negative energies:

Agate charging
Agates are cleaned with a stream of lukewarm water and recharged in the moonlight. Direct sunlight could cause discoloration.
Read also the article: Agate - a mineral of many colors, drawings and changes and its deposits

Amethyst charging
Due to the fact that amethyst loses its color in direct sunlight, it is advisable to clean and recharge it using fumigation and crystal crystals.
Read articles: Amethyst - a gemstone that deserves attention or
Amethyst - passion, love, humility, understanding and imagination

Aventurine charging
Aventurine should be cleaned with running water and then recharged with moonlight or sunlight.

Hematite charging
Hematite can be cleaned briefly under lukewarm water and recharged with sunlight. Hematite - do you know its effects?

Chalcedony charging
Chalcedony can be cleaned with a stream of lukewarm water and charged with moonlight.

Rose quartz charging
Rose quartz is cleaned with a stream of lukewarm water and charged together with crystal or in the moonlight. Sunlight causes the color of the rose quartz to fade.
Selenite charging
As we have already mentioned, selenite would be damaged by cleaning with water, so it is advisable to choose, for example, smoking and recharging the stone either at full moon or together with the crystal.

Sodalite charging
Sodalite is suitable to charge together with crystal or in sunlight.

Tiger eye charging
The tiger's eye is cleaned with running water and charged with sunlight.

If you love stones and minerals, take care of them with love to strengthen everything you expect from them.

Projective stones - collage

She wrote the article for you on February 19, 2022: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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