IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasChiastolite


Medicinal use: corrects chromosome damage, increases immunity, strengthens nerves, reduces fever, hyperacidity of the organism, stops bleeding, increases lactation.
Uses: Luck, Elemental Power, Protection, Reality
Properties: receptive and projective stone.
It is a powerful protective, magical stone, balances all four elements, dispels negative thoughts, feelings and illusions, answers questions about mysterious mysteries, removes guilt, stabilizes emotions, helps to face reality, gives power to magical rituals of all kinds. Like other stones of unusual shape and pattern, it brings good luck.
Colors: brown, green, yellow-grey, pink
Location: Belgium, Australia, Russia, China, USA
Technical description: silicate, a variety of andalusite, the cross-section forms the image of a cross, the name is derived from the Greek "chiastos - cross", transparent to almost opaque, vitreous luster, good to perfect cleavage.

Degree of hardness: 6.5-7.5

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