IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasChromium diopside

Chromium diopside

Chromodiopside is an increasingly popular, beautifully richly colored stone, also known as the "Russian Emerald" , originating from a deposit in Yakutsk. It belongs to the Diopside group. The name Diopside is derived from the Greek word 'diopsis', which means "two kinds of vision or having two forms". It is so named because when viewed from one side, the exhibit has one color, while from another angle it appears in different shades.
This crystal carries a green ray of healing and healing on all levels. With its unique and powerful vibrations, it removes emotional blockages and opens its owner to love, self-confidence, flourishing and growth. Develops analytical and intellectual abilities. He is your guide on the right path in life. It helps to integrate into everyday life. It removes old emotional blockages, already overcome habitual behavior patterns, bad and bad memories. It brings deep peace and balance. Calms and balances emotions. It is a heart chakra stone that activates, cleanses and harmonizes.
Medicinal use: Suitable for healing especially chronic diseases. It removes any energy blockages in the area of the lungs and heart and thus allows the flow of healing energy to these areas. It is a wonderful support during recovery. It helps with relaxation and strengthens immunity. It has a beneficial effect on heart diseases. It has strong detoxifying effects, can expel heavy metals from the body and supports kidney function. Brings restful sleep.
Color: bottle green, sometimes with traces of white quartz
Appearance: transparent to translucent stone
Location: Russia, Yakutia
Technical description: silicate - inosilicate, pyroxene, bright green diopside, which is colored by chromium. It consists of prismatic or tabular crystals with a square cross-section. They form fibrous masses and clusters of large tabular crystals. The cleavage is clear, almost rectangular. Quarry uneven, vitreous luster.

Degree of hardness: 6

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