Chromium diopside in Feng Shui
In Feng Shui, chromium diopside represents the energy of wood , which is traditionally associated with the eastern or southeastern part of a room, apartment or house. It represents family, health, prosperity and abundance. The energy of wood is important for personal well-being, it helps one's own efforts aimed at improving family relationships and strengthening family bonds. It is important for growth, new beginnings and health, increases vitality and maintains physical development.
The energy of wood is symbolized by green and brown, and stones are used for dining rooms, children's rooms or where a new project is being created. Like the water element, the energy of wood is lively and nurturing, suitable for promoting health and well-being, both at home and in the office.
Chromodiopside is a harmonizing and protective stone in the physical and spiritual realms. It is used as a talisman to protect loved ones, property and physical safety.
In the spiritual world, it is used to strengthen belief in the face of doubt.
It belongs to the personal stones of people born in the spring between April 21 and May 21, i.e. people born under the sign of Taurus. With its green color, chromium diopside harmonizes the heart chakra.
It is most often found in the color green, but there is also a black variety, it can appear as colorless, white, gray, blue-green, yellowish, brown and, rarely, in the color of lavender. The black variety can have a four pointed star in it and then the stone is known as black star diopside. Deposits are, for example, in Sweden, Germany, Russia, China, India, Canada and elsewhere.
It is used for emotional healing from emotional trauma, to support efforts to improve one's ability to express love.
Chromodiopside supports the flow of energy, helps efforts aimed at strengthening the family and relationships within it.
Chromodiopside is considered a "compassion stone", used to strengthen trust and forgiveness of others. The green variety is especially suitable for women, it is used to support emotions, it is considered very strengthening, harmonizing especially the heart chakra, but also the sacral and frontal chakra (third eye chakra). It is a stone of emotional healing, as it is believed to increase the ability to love not only oneself, but also others and improves the ability to give and receive. Chromodiopside is suitable to combine with, for example, tugtupite, kavansite, danburite, obsidian, Apache tear, stilbite, lepidocrite, aquamarine, morganite, etc., especially to calm grief, sadness and suffering. To dampen changing moods during menopause, chromium diopside is suitable to be combined, for example, with iridescent moonstone, larimar and ajoite. Roses are a suitable combination to strengthen self-love.
Black Star Diopside is a stone of spiritual grounding.
Other stones representing the energy of wood include, for example, cavansite, rhyolite, fluorite, green aventurine, seraphinite, etc.