IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasChrysoprase
Medicinal uses: treats skin problems, heart diseases, thyroid disorders, general weakness, digestive system, calms stomach problems caused by stress, strengthens eyesight, increases fertility, protects against venereal diseases, stops bleeding, relieves rheumatic pain, strengthens kidney function, is strong detoxifying.
Uses: money, success, happiness, joy, friendship, protection, healing
Properties: a receptive stone, assigned to the planet Venus and the element of earth.
It is a stone that elevates emotions, provides hope, calms, brings pleasure, success in new ventures, new friends, attracts money, removes envy, selfishness, tension and stress. It helps to forgive, accept oneself and others, brings balance between ideals and reality, prevents hasty actions. Dispels anxiety, prevents nightmares, especially in children, gives a feeling of safety, trust and security, protects. Charges the heart and sacral chakra.
Colors: grass green, lemon
Location: Australia, Russia, California, Brazil
Technical description: silicate, a green variety of chalcedony, the color of which is formed by nickel, translucent, with a waxy to matte luster, without fission.
Degree of hardness: 7
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