The name cinnabarite (in English cinnabar) probably comes from the Greek "kinnabari " and refers to the scarlet and brick-red form of mercury, i.e. mercury sulphide, which is the most common source for obtaining the elemental metal and also the source of brilliant red (scarlet pigment) called vermilion. Likewise, the term may be derived from the Latin cinnabarina or cinnabarinum (vermilion, vermilion), and some sources state that it is of Persian origin and means "dragon's blood". The name cinnabar and cinnabarite are used for one and the same mineral. It occurs, for example, in Nevada, the Philippines, Spain, California, Tuscany, etc.
Vermilion was already used in ancient times as a lip pigment , in China to color lacquered products, especially boxes, dishes and even boxes for the dead. In the advanced Mayan civilization, vermilion was used to decorate royal burial chambers, for example in the tomb of the Red Queen in the city of Palenque (600 to 700 AD).
Cinnabarite, also called the "magic stone", is considered a stone of mysticism and transformation to the higher self and support of one's own spiritual potential. It activates and balances the first, root chakra (Muladhara), the sixth chakra, the Third Eye (Ajna) and the second, sacral chakra (Swadhisthana). Likewise, cinnabarite is often referred to as the "trader's stone" because it was traditionally used to promote prosperity, abundance and wealth. It is suitable as a stone for meditation.
Cinnabarite supports creativity, communication and access to innate inner self-knowledge, thereby promoting self-confidence. It encourages thinking in a spiritually creative way, can be used to balance the chakras, calm fear and resentment.
By influencing the sacral chakra, it supports the kundalini energy, whereby cinnabarite stimulates sexual feelings and can thus also improve personal relationships between partners.
Cinnabarite is considered a very powerful healing stone with a positive effect on the physical level and strengthening of life force. It was traditionally used as a talisman and amulet to increase fertility and ward off sexual problems.
With which stones is it suitable to combine Cinnabarite?
- To enhance abundance and prosperity with e.g. citrine, moonstone, labradorite, chalcopyrite, apatite and amber.
- A combination with cerusite is suitable to support the transformation.
- It can be combined with orange calcite, moonstone or carnelian to enhance creative abilities.
- Serpentine is suitable for strengthening the kundalini energy.
- A combination with carnelian, fire agate, sardonyx and red jasper is suitable for improving personal relationships.
- To strengthen the energy of the root chakra, black tourmaline (scoryl), cuprite or garnet are suitable, which also help grounding.
- Unakite and baryte are suitable for influencing the sacral chakra, for strengthening the stimulation of mental and visionary abilities.
The hardness of Cinnabarite according to the Mohs scale is 2-2.5.
The color and properties result from the arrangement, i.e. the rhombohedral crystal lattice belonging to the hexagonal crystal system. Crystals exhibit twinning, meaning that two or more crystals share part of one crystal lattice in a symmetrical manner and are regularly intergrown. The result is the growth of crystals in different shapes. Cinnabarite exhibits birefringence and has the highest refractive index of any mineral.
Notice! Due to the mercury content, cinnabar is toxic to the organism, but not in the form of polished (drummed) mineral or cinnabarite processed in the form of jewelry. In the case of handling raw unprocessed mineral, it is recommended to wash your hands.