IntroductionMagazineHoroscopesCitrine and topaz - stones of people born in November

Citrine and topaz - stones of people born in November

Welcome stone lovers. Discover with us the magical world of citrine and topaz, two precious stones that have fascinated for centuries with their beauty and mysticism. Bright yellow citrine, the stone of the sun and abundance, brings happiness and positive energy into life, while topaz, in many color tones, symbolizes strength, love, self-improvement, abundance and wisdom. Immerse yourself in their rich history, spiritual meaning and beautiful colors that inspire and enrich our daily lives. Topaz is the traditional stone for the 4th and 23rd wedding anniversaries , or an alternative for the 19th anniversary. Citrine is the traditional stone for the 13th anniversary, or an alternative for the 17th anniversary.
If you are choosing jewelry for any wedding anniversary, we are happy to advise you.

Citrine symbolizes positive energy, is a talisman of abundance and happiness, topaz is a stone of love, affection, loyalty and happiness. Both stones are associated with positive energy, protection and healing, and are often worn as talismans to promote happiness and well-being.

Citrine - Meaning and History

Citrine crystals

Citrine is a variant of quartz, found in yellow, yellow-orange to orange. Its name is derived from the lemon, whose color it resembles.

Take a look into the history of citrine with us

Ancient Egypt - Citrine was considered the stone of the Sun God Ra. Nobles and priests decorated themselves with it, who considered it a symbol of life force and vitality. It was used as a protective amulet against snakes and other dangers.

Ancient Greece and Rome – The Romans wore citrine in the form of jewelry, especially signet rings and pendants, as protection against evil spirits and as a symbol of joy. The Greeks used citrine as a talisman for travel, merchants to increase profits.

Middle Ages - in medieval Europe, citrine was considered a healing stone, especially for calming the nerves, improving mood and suppressing melancholy. Healers believed it could bring physical healing and spiritual enlightenment.

Renaissance - the nobles liked citrine in the form of jewelry, it was a symbol of wealth and high social status.

19th and 20th centuries - In the Victorian era, citrine was literally a fashionable semi-precious stone. It was used in brooches, necklaces and rings. It became popular among the European aristocracy mainly thanks to Queen Victoria (British queen, reigned 1837 to 1901).
In the 20th century, during the Art Deco period, citrine gained popularity, especially in jewelry.

Today, citrine is popular as jewelry and as a talisman of abundance, luck and prosperity. Many people use it in meditation and to harmonize the solar plexus chakra. It is one of the most popular minerals for its bright yellow color, although this is usually due to the burning of amethyst. Natural citrines do not have as much color and are generally more expensive than burnt citrines.

Topaz - meaning and history

The name topaz probably comes from the island of Topazos in the Red Sea, today Zabargad. Olivine was found on the island, but it was believed to be topaz. The name may also come from the Sanskrit term tapas = fire or heat, which refers to the golden and orange hues that are typical for topaz.

Blue topaz crystals

Take a look with us into the interesting, rich and fascinating history of topaz

Ancient Egypt - Topaz was considered a symbol of the sun god Ra, especially in yellow and gold shades. The Egyptians believed that it was filled with solar energy, bringing life force and protection from danger.

Ancient Greece and Rome - topaz was a highly valued gemstone at the time, used not only in the form of jewelry, but also as a talisman. He was a symbol of power and influence.

Renaissance and royal jewels
During this period, topaz was popular among the nobility and in royal families, who used it to decorate jewelry and crown jewels.

The Russian tsarist court was particularly fond of the rare pink and orange topaz, which today is known as the imperial (imperial) topaz and was considered a symbol of wealth and royal power.

Currently, topaz is valued in jewelry, blue topaz is popular, including heat-treated, but also colorless, which replaces the expensive diamond.

Symbolism and properties of citrine

We often associate citrine with positive energy, joy and abundance. It is the color of sun rays and bright summer days.

Happiness and abundance
Citrine is a traditional business talisman, as it is believed to attract wealth, prosperity and success. We don't have to be merchants and we can always have a citrine in the form of jewelry or a lucky tree with us, on the bedside table or on the work table.

Joy and optimism
Yellow is the color of positive thinking, optimism, joy of life, because it resembles the sun and warmth. 

Self-confidence and personal power
Do you have plans, have you set new goals, do you need to boost your self-confidence? Citrine is a talisman that you should not miss to strengthen your determination to achieve your goals.

Citrine is a protective amulet against negative energy, fear, anxiety and stress.

Emotional healing
Joy, a feeling of happiness, well-being and optimism - citrine can be all that for you.

Citrine is associated with the solar plexus chakra, which is the center of personal power, will and decision-making. It helps to strengthen self-confidence and courage.

Symbolism and properties of topaz

Topaz is considered a symbol of strength, love and protection.

Strength and protection
Traditionally, topaz is used as protection against negative energy, and historically it has been used as protection against poisons and misfortune. It was worn as a talisman for personal safety and spiritual protection.

Truth and Enlightenment
Topaz is considered a symbol of spiritual enlightenment and inner harmony, it was believed to bring clairvoyance, wisdom and the ability to distinguish truth from lies.

Love and loyalty
Topaz is a stone of love and attraction, it strengthens the emotional connection and romantic bonds between partners.

Happiness and success
Happiness, abundance and material success, prosperity, achievement of set goals - all this is personified by citrine.

Emotional healing
Topaz is a stone for calming the mind, for relieving stress and tension. It helps to boost self-confidence and promotes emotional stability, making it an ideal helper for anyone looking for balance in life.

Spiritual qualities
Topaz is associated with spiritual purity and wisdom, inner peace and positive energy.

Confidence and leadership skills
It is an ideal gift for anyone who needs to focus on achieving goals and making the right decisions. It stimulates ambition, self-confidence and the will to succeed.

Topaz and citrine are ideal stones of manifestation. They help realize dreams, goals, support clear thinking and increase motivation. By manifesting, we help create the future, focus on the intention and energy to achieve it, and generally try to make our vision a reality. Thus, we help to realize an idea, a wish, a desire, an intention by focusing on successful implementation.

Citrine surrounded by myths and legends

Myths and legends are based on the assumption that citrine carries solar energy.

Stone of the sun
In ancient times, especially in Egypt and Rome, it was believed that citrine carries solar energy, or that it is a gift from the Sun, which predestined it to become a talisman to protect against darkness and negative forces, both physical and spiritual. In Egypt it served as protection against snakes and poisonous animals.

Merchants Stone
Citrine is considered the stone of traders. Mainly in China, it was used as a talisman of wealth, prosperity and success in trading, which has been carried down to the present day. Citrine talismans were and are placed in places of business to promote stability and growth in business. To this day, citrine is used as a talisman for material abundance, improving the financial situation and maintaining the wealth achieved.

Magical protection and purification
Citrine was part of traditional magical rituals for purity of spirit and clarity of mind. It was used as a powerful protective stone especially in the Middle Ages. People used it as protection against evil spirits and dark forces.
Pilgrims and travelers wore it as a talisman against danger, because they believed that it was able to absorb the negative energy of the environment and turn it into a positive force.

Citrine in relation to the gods
Citrine was associated with sun gods, such as the Greek god Apollo, the Roman god Sol or the Egyptian god Ra. It was thus simultaneously associated with art and health and was perceived as a stone of enlightenment, creativity and life force.

The healing power of citrine
Citrine also found its place in healing, as people believed that it would increase vitality, give life energy, support digestion, relieve abdominal pain, suppress anxiety, improve positive thinking and give optimism.

Citrine in royal treasures
Citrine was among the favorite stones of European royal families and noble families. It was made famous, for example, by the British Queen Victoria (she ruled from 1837 to 1901).

Citrine and Chakras
In the Hindu tradition, citrine is associated with the solar plexus chakra, which is considered the center of personal power, self-confidence and self-esteem. It is used to harmonize this chakra to promote clear thinking and the ability to realize set goals.

Due to its association with the sun and positive energy, citrine is still considered a stone of happiness, prosperity and personal growth. Even today, it is used as a talisman to attract wealth, happiness and joy, thus it remains shrouded in many legends and spiritual meanings.

Topazes surrounded by myths, legends and interesting facts

Topaz has been seen in many cultures as a symbol of power, love and protection.

Ancient Egypt and Symbol of Power - Like Citrine, Topaz was associated with the sun god Ra in ancient Egypt.

Greek and Roman legends about the power of topaz
The assumption that the wearer of the topaz was invisible was believed to be the magical power of the topaz. This myth was especially associated with soldiers and hunters who wore it as an amulet against impending danger.
Considered a symbol of courage and self-control, topaz was often worn by warriors and athletes.

Russian Imperial Crown and Topaz Imperial
Topaz Imperial in beautiful orange and rare pink tones became a symbol of tsarist power in Russia in the 19th century, as only members of the tsarist family and the highest nobility had the right to own it. It was named in honor of the tsarist family. The main site was the Ural Mountains.

Topaz in healing
Topaz was used in the Middle Ages for mental and physical ailments, for mental calmness and emotional balance, as well as for digestive problems and liver health.
Nowadays, we use the knowledge of modern medicine.

Topaz - a stone of love and loyalty
Topaz as a talisman of long-lasting love and faithful relationship and strengthening of emotional bonds between partners. Given as a symbol of love, it was supposed to bring good luck and protect against betrayal, and was supposed to ensure fidelity and a harmonious marriage.

Topaz - protection against poisons
Topaz was once worn as protection against possible poisoning, as it was believed to neutralize poisons. This made him relatively popular, especially at royal courts, as poisoning was a frequent method of getting rid of an inconvenient monarch.

Hindu legends
Topaz was a very sacred stone, often worn on the heart to achieve longevity, beauty and intelligence. Like citrine, topaz in yellow tones harmonizes the solar plexus chakra, which is the center of strength and will, therefore topaz was used to achieve inner harmony and promote spiritual growth.

Topaz conjunct Jupiter
Topaz is associated with the planet Jupiter, which is considered a symbol of luck, expansion and growth. People believed that wearing topaz brought luck, wisdom and the ability to grow in both material and spiritual life.

Topaz types

Topaz comes in a variety of colors. In addition, each color has its own specific meaning.

Topaz Imperial, imperial topaz – the rarest and most valuable topaz, in colors from gold, through orange, orange-red to pink. We find it in the royal jewels.
Blue topaz - from light to dark blue. Some topazes are heat treated to give them an intense hue. It is very popular in jewelry. Light blue topaz is referred to as Sky blue, richer shades as Swiss blue topaz and deep blue topaz as London blue.
Colorless (white) topaz – used as an affordable alternative to diamond, it is transparent and has a similar sparkle.
Yellow topaz - found in golden or pale yellow shades and is sometimes confused with citrine.
Pink Topaz – Found in Pakistan and considered very rare.
Green Topaz - is rare, natural or engineered. Green shades are soft.
Gray, brown and champagne topaz - these are quite rare and are used in their natural form. Champagne topazes come from Nigeria and Mexico.
Golden Topaz
- Sometimes confused with Imperial Topaz as they are very similar in color.
Sherry topaz - occurs in colors ranging from yellow-brown to brown-yellow to brown-orange.

A rare golden brown topaz

Where are topazes found?

The most important deposits are:


Brazil is the largest producer of topaz in the world. Famous mines are located here, mainly in the Minas Gerais region, which produce a large number of different types of topaz, including the highly prized imperial topaz .

Sri Lanka

Many types of topaz are found here, often in subtle shades of blue or yellow.


An exceptionally beautiful pink topaz is found in Pakistan, which is highly prized.


Mexico, especially the state of San Luis Potosí, is an important deposit of topaz.

Russian Federation

Russian deposits, especially in the Ural region, are known for their production of high-quality blue topaz and rarer yellow and pink varieties (topaz Imperial).


There are smaller deposits in the US, mainly in Utah, where rare topaz with a brownish or orange tinge is found, and in Texas, where colorless and blue topazes are found.


Various colored topazes are found in Nigeria, mainly blue and also colorless.

Topaz is a gemstone that is found in different parts of the world and it exists in different colors and qualities and it depends on the location, some of which are known for the occurrence of specific topazes.

The world's most famous topaz is Braganza, a legendary gem that was originally mistaken for a diamond because of its color. It is set in the Portuguese royal crown and named after the ruling dynasty. Mined in Brazil, it weighs 1680 carats.

Types of citrines

Citrine is divided according to shades of color and clarity. In addition to natural citrines, the market also offers citrines heat-treated from amethyst or amethyst. Compared to natural citrines, they have brighter shades of yellow and are affordable.

Natural citrine - rare, occurs in delicate, pale yellow to greenish-yellow shades. It has a weaker color intensity, it is found mainly in Brazil and Russia.
Heat-treated citrine - it is created from amethyst or amethyst, when it changes color to yellow or orange after heating to a high temperature.
Madeira citrine – has a deep orange to red-orange color reminiscent of the color of Madeira wine. Although it is usually heat-treated, it is highly sought after for its unmistakable color.

Ametrine – a transitional form between amethyst and citrine. It is two-colored: violet-yellow, or part of each ametrine is purple and part yellow. It is formed in hydrothermal veins under the influence of different temperature and chemical conditions. Thanks to this, oxidation-reduction processes and a change in the state of iron occur during the crystallization of quartz and thus the appearance of different colors. The deposit is mainly in Bolivia.

Where are citrines found?

The most important deposits are:


Brazil is the largest producer of citrine in the world, mainly in the states of Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul and Bahia. Brazilian citrine tends to be of high quality and comes in a variety of shades from light yellow to dark brown.


Argentina is another important deposit of citrine, especially in Patagonia, where citrine is found in lighter shades of yellow.


Spain, especially the region around Andalucia, is known for its production of citrine, which usually has a deeper yellow and gold color.


Citrine from Madagascar is highly prized and often has rich, intense yellow to golden hues. This deposit produces gemstones in subtle tones that are very popular in jewelry.

Russian Federation

Primarily the Ural region. Citrine is often paler and sometimes has subtle honey tones. In the past, citrine from the Urals was highly valued by noble families.


In the USA, citrine is mainly found in Colorado, where it is found in different color variants. American citrine is generally lighter, sometimes almost transparent, with subtle golden hues.


Citrine from Africa, particularly Zambia and Namibia, is known for its warm yellow to orange hues. African citrine is considered very high quality and often has intense colors.

The largest processed citrine in the world is MALAGA . It weighs 20,200 carats, its dimensions are 10 x 15 x 20 cm. It comes from Brazil, from the state of Minas Gerais and stands out for its high purity.

Stone cleaning

Citrine can be easily cleaned by rinsing with lukewarm water. The water must not be hot so as not to damage the stone. After washing the lemons, dry them with a soft cloth.
It is also possible to use sea salt for cleansing: put the citrine in a bowl of sea salt so that it is covered and leave it to act for several hours or overnight. Then rinse the stone with water and dry with a soft cloth. Citrine gets its energy either from moonlight or sunlight (only a few minutes are possible, as citrine fades under the influence of sunlight).
Citrine is a relatively hard mineral, rated 7 on the Mohs hardness scale. It is resistant to damage, but must not be exposed to impacts or chemicals.

A mild soap and water with a soft cloth is the best way to clean topaz . Only wash the topaz, do not soak it for a long time. The water should be cold or lukewarm, not hot.
According to the Mohs scale, topaz has hardness level 8, it is suitable for everyday wear in jewellery. But it is sensitive to temperature changes and impacts that can damage it.

You can find all cleaning and charging methods in our article here.

To whom, what stone to buy and many reasons why this one and not another can be found in our guides: Precious stones by month of birth and Stones by Zodiac . Are you choosing jewelry for your wedding anniversary? We will be happy to help you with that too.

We have the jewelry from our suppliers verified for the authenticity of the stones by the Czech gemological laboratory s.r.o., you can find the certificates here.

Are you interested in birth month stones? Learn more here. 

We wrote the article for you on 29 October 2024.

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