IntroductionMagazineNewsCollection of silver rings with beautiful Bluefire moonstones

Collection of silver rings with beautiful Bluefire moonstones

Exceptionally beautiful, elegant solid silver rings with large rare Bluefire iridescent moonstones with exceptional blue color.

They bring not only the magic of their rainbow colors and "blue flame" into life, but above all love, passion, desire, protection, wisdom, and at the same time reconciliation and peace. No one will miss this ring on your hand!.

Moonstone was used by the Romans to make jewelry almost two thousand years ago. In India, moonstone is still a sacred stone for lovers, and jewelry with this stone is traditionally given as a wedding gift. Since ancient times, moonstone has been associated with the magic of the moon, it is still used as an amulet of protection for travelers and as a gift for lovers for a strong relationship and passion. Rainbow Moonstone positively affects our behavior, emotions and spiritual growth. Rainbow moonstone calms and encourages , teaches us the natural rhythms of our life. Helps reconcile estranged partners and lovers. Bluefire Moonstone is a stone of hope that aids self-confidence and supports our personality.

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