IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasCzech garnet and its unmistakable color

Czech garnet and its unmistakable color

Czech garnet is a semi-precious stone, pyrope, magnesium-aluminum silicate. The name is derived from the Greek pyropos, ie similar to fire, due to the color of this mineral. It is located in the Bohemian Central Mountains in the form of grains with a size of about 1 - 7 mm, a deep red color is typical for it. Pyropes are formed at high temperatures and pressures, similar to diamonds, although these need even higher conditions, so the two minerals are often found together. The degree of hardness is 7 - 7.5.

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This semi-precious stone is very popular all over the world, especially for its color, even though they are only small in size. The diameter of 5 mm is considered exceptional.

Czech grenades - site

Czech grenade deposits in the Czech Republic are concentrated in only a few areas.
Bohemian Central Mountains - surroundings of Třebenice, Třebívlice, Podsedice, Dlažkovice and Měrunice
Stará Paka in the Giant Mountains
Kolín nad Labem - surroundings.

In the Czech Republic, garnets from world deposits are used in jewelry, but they are different in color and size from the Czech ones.

World grenade sites
South Africa - the so-called Cape Rubies
Arizona in the USA - the so-called Arizona rubies
Yakutia in Russia
and other, less significant, sites.

One of the most common garnets is almandine, its name is derived from the ancient gemstone grinding in Alabanda, Turkey. The name dates from 1546. Among the varieties of almandine is rhodolite, which contains 30% of the almandine component and 70% of the pyropic component, although it should be classified as a pyrope variety. Another variety is an asterisk grenade, on which a four- or six-pointed star appears after grinding. This is an optical phenomenon caused by rutile microscopic needles in which light is refracted.
Almandines are located, for example, in Přibyslavice, Austria, India and Japan.

You can read how to recognize a real Czech grenade here.

The grenade can traditionally be donated to the 2nd or 6th wedding anniversary.

According to folk traditions, garnet is a stone with a strong ability to supply energy, thanks to its deep red to red color, as red is a symbol of energy, passion and strength. The grenade is said to bring peace or desire as needed. For centuries, people have believed that the grenade has the ability to warn of impending danger, long since used as a protection amulet. Ever since ancient Rome, people have worn it in jewelry as a stone that encourages love and devotion.

The grenade is also said to correct emotional disharmony. He is said to help strengthen relationships. It is also said that it helps in life crises, especially in situations where one does not know where to go. It should be a stone that gives courage and hope, self-confidence, stimulates activity and strengthens the instinct of self-preservation.

She wrote the article for you on February 5, 2022: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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