IntroductionMagazineNewsDo you lack optimism, enthusiasm, zest for life?

Do you lack optimism, enthusiasm, zest for life?

Yellow gemstones are a symbol of optimism, clarity and warmth. Yellow is the color of spring sunshine, bright days and the power that the Sun has. Yellow stones are used to strengthen relationships and friendships, to increase clarity and optimism and appetite for new things and actions. They are used to improve communication and decisiveness.

Gold gemstones combine the strong vibrations of the orange color of joy and the pure yellow color of the Sun. Gold promotes joy in life, gives strength, evokes enthusiasm and excitement. It is the traditional color of kings, wealth and summer sunshine. It symbolizes success, power and wealth. Golden stones are talismans of adventure, enthusiasm, ambition and zest for life.

Yellow and golden stones include, for example, citrine, tiger's eye, opal and amber.

Citrine - used to maintain an awareness of the importance and meaning of things, especially when day after day is the same, which can lead to forgetfulness, to secure new relationships and friendships, and to demonstrate good communication.
Tiger's eye - is a protective stone. It is also worn as a talisman against all forms of danger. It supports the spiritual growth of earth-oriented people, the flow of energy in the body and gives strength. Attracts money and wealth. It helps break down dependence on other people, by recognizing one's own worth.
Opal - Ethiopian Opal is used to boost self-confidence and a sense of self-worth. It is considered a calming stone that calms turbulent emotions, brings a sense of hope and inner peace.
Stimulates the root, crown and heart chakras. It is sometimes called the "stone of love" because of bringing the inspiration of this feeling to the stagnant heart chakra.
Amber - is a very powerful healing and protective stone. Absorbs negativity and restores balance. In earlier times, it was often used for various rituals. It helps with patience and decision-making. Increases confidence. It attracts friends and a partner to lonely people. It enhances the natural beauty of the wearer.

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