IntroductionMagazineAdvice from the Master of PharmacyDo you want to know what is included in the preventive examination for adults, how often you are entitled to it and who performs it?

Do you want to know what is included in the preventive examination for adults, how often you are entitled to it and who performs it?

According to Decree No. 70/2012 Coll., on preventive examinations, a general preventive check-up for adults is carried out every 2 years, usually 23 months after the last general preventive check-up. It is carried out by a general practitioner for adults (exact terminology: registering ambulatory care provider in the field of general practice).

The content of the general preventive inspection is
a) supplementing the medical history, including social (contains information about social conditions, especially where and with whom the patient lives, or whether, for example, in a building with an elevator, a barrier-free building, whether someone has the opportunity to take care of the patient if necessary, etc., can play a role play e.g. when deciding on the length of hospitalization), with a focus on its changes, risk factors and occupational risks; in the family history, special emphasis is placed on the occurrence of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, the occurrence of hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes mellitus (diabetes), disorders of fat metabolism (high cholesterol and/or triglycerides) and cancer, and the occurrence of addictions;
b) vaccination control (e.g. against tetanus, for people over 65: vaccination against pneumococcal infections, against influenza, etc.);
c) complete physical examination, including blood pressure measurement, determination of body mass index* and orientation examination of sight and hearing; part of the general preventive examination is, as part of oncological prevention, a risk assessment from the point of view of family, personal and work history, a skin examination and, in case of suspected risk, a rectal examination, in men with a positive family history or the presence of other risk factors, a clinical examination of the testicles, in women over 25 years of age with a positive family history of hereditary or familial (existing in the family) incidence of breast cancer or the presence of other risk factors clinical breast examination, together with instructions on self-examination;
d) urine examination with a diagnostic paper,
e) control and evaluation of the results of other prescribed preventive examinations, and if they were not carried out within the prescribed terms, their provision; preventive examinations are:

1. laboratory examination of the concentration of total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triacylglycerols, during the first general preventive examination after the end of care at a provider in the field of general practitioner for children and adolescents and further at 30, 40, 50 and 60 years of age ;
2. laboratory examination of glycemia (blood sugar level) during the first general preventive examination after the end of care at a provider in the field of general practitioner for children and adolescents and further at 30 years of age and from 40 years of age in two-year intervals from the last examination;
3. ECG examination at 40 years of age, then at four-year intervals;
4. determination of occult bleeding in the stool by a special test in persons over 50 years of age; from the age of 55, this examination can be replaced by a recommendation to perform a screening colonoscopy once every 10 years;
5. for women aged 45 and over, verification of whether the result of a screening mammographic examination from the last 2 years is available; if the result of this examination is not available, the doctor will recommend the performance of this examination and the necessary additional examinations;
6. laboratory examination of serum creatinine and estimation of glomerular filtration in patients suffering from diabetes (diabetes), hypertension (high blood pressure) or cardiovascular complications from 50 years of age at four-year intervals.

*Body mass index, BMI (from the English Body Mass Index) expresses the ratio of height and weight.

Calculation: weight in kg is divided by height in m 2



Under 20


20 to 25


Above 25


Over 30



Preventive check-ups are not mandatory, however, it is in the interest of each of us, taking into account the responsibility for our own health, to use preventive check-ups and undergo them regularly.
The only thing it will cost us is a little patience in the waiting room and time spent doing it.

M.Sc. Radka Brichcínová

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