IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasDumortierite


Medicinal use: relieves severe headaches, reduces high fevers, drains, relieves spasms, relieves intestinal colic, sharpens sensory perceptions, helps with fatigue, general exhaustion and stress, suitable for general relaxation before sleep
Uses: hope, strength, will, calm, healing
Properties: receptive stone, assigned to the planet Neptune and the element of water.
It is a stone of hope, in difficult life situations it helps turn for the better, it gives us confidence in our own abilities and strength to handle and overcome these situations, and in happy situations it teaches us to enjoy life to the fullest, to take it as it is, without unnecessary worries and fears. It supports a positive life attitude, helps to remove old blockages and patterns. It strengthens the will to get rid of addiction to tobacco, alcohol or drugs. Increases concentration. Heals mental and nervous diseases.
Colors: blue, blue-violet to purple, brown, greenish
Location: USA, South Africa, Czech Republic
Technical description: borosilicate (aluminum borosilicate) and a small amount of iron, it is transparent to translucent, vitreous to silky luster and imperfect, distinct cleavage.

Degree of hardness: 7-8

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