IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasEmerald - meaning, its effects and properties

Emerald - meaning, its effects and properties

Uses of emerald: love, money, protection, mental powers, healing
Properties of emerald: a receptive stone, assigned to the planet Venus and the element of earth.
It is a stone of successful love, it brings it into our lives, it calls forth loyalty and happiness, it keeps partner relationships in balance, it brings friendship, it calms feelings and ensures
physical and mental balance, connects us with nature, which helps us if we act in harmony with it, strengthens memory, increases receptivity, influences the conscious and subconscious mind, bestows all knowledge of the past, present and future. It is also a strong protective stone, it blocks night radiation during sleep. In business, it ensures good deals, sales support and increasing public awareness of the company. Opens the heart chakra.
Medicinal uses: its green soothing color has a beneficial effect on the eyes, strengthens tired eyes, restores normal vision, helps with cataracts, is used as an antidote, detoxifies the liver, has a strong regenerative effect, calms the nerves, reduces fever, suppresses infections of all kinds, heals spine, muscles, rheumatic problems, diabetes, increases immunity, regulates blood pressure and the activity of the digestive organs. It can help in the treatment of malignant tumors.
Colors: green
Technical description: silicate, noble beryl, transparent to translucent, vitreous luster, imperfect cleavage.
Location: Colombia, Russia, Austria, India, Brazil, Zimbabwe, South Africa

Degree of hardness: 7.5-8

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