IntroductionMagazineFeng ShuiEudialyte in Feng Shui

Eudialyte in Feng Shui

Eudialite pendant silver P266 1 Eudialyte in Feng Shui uses the energy of fire , the energy of enthusiasm, fervor, clarity, enlightenment and activity, emotion and passion. The energy of fire is traditionally associated with the southern part of a room, apartment or house and ensures the reputation of the dwelling and one's own position within the family.
Eudialyte represents Yang energy , i.e. male energy, which personifies reason, creative power and breakthrough. The stones are cleaned and recharged by the energy of the sun's rays. Bracelets made of projective stones are worn on the right wrist.

Other stones representing the energy of fire include, for example, amethyst, rose gold, carnelian, tiger's eye, citrine, red jasper, garnet and others.

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