Full Moon March 2025
VIRGO FULL MOON – March 14, 2025
Stones of the month of March: aquamarine and heliotrope
Title: Crow Full Moon
Virgo in captivity of the crow's full moon
The March full moon is called the Crow Moon. It occurs on March 14 at 7:54 AM Central European Time, and is also a lunar eclipse. The crow's croak marks the end of winter, the temperature begins to rise, the snow melts and the first flowers, insects and earthworms appear. Other names for this full moon include the Worm Moon , the Ice Crust Full Moon or the Spring Full Moon due to the approaching spring . It is considered the last full moon of winter. The March full moon is either in VIRGO or Libra (depending on the year) and brings the need for a balance between emotions and practicality.
The full moon of the crow precedes the spring equinox, which usually occurs a few days after it. Celebrate with us the awakening of spring, balance, harmony and the power of nature with the holiday of OSTARA , make an altar and one of the rituals associated with this magical period. We have prepared a special incense burner in our magical workshop Nefertitis, with the composition and aroma of which you will celebrate the coming spring and also a beautiful, not only decorative bundle of Ostara .
The time of the March full moon, the time of the coming spring, is associated with purification, stating intentions, manifestation, meditation, and focusing on oneself.
What is manifestation? The conscious transformation of dreams and intentions into reality!
Some might imagine a public gathering or protest, where people express their opinions, demands, agreement or disagreement with a certain situation. We do not have this type of manifestation in mind.
Manifestation in the context of intentions, plans, wishes and desires is the process of transforming thoughts, wishes and set goals into reality. It means that our thoughts and inner attitudes can manifest in reality, often through concentration, visualization (we imagine the realization of the goal - the result, the purpose of which is to support the achievement of the intention in real life) and, of course, concrete steps to achieve the given goal. Nothing happens "by itself".
Is there a connection between manifestation and attraction?
YES! Manifestation is connected to the law of attraction, because if we focus on anything, we attract it into our lives, we are ready with effort and concentration to make what we have dreamed of come true.
We can write affirmations, i.e. positive statements that we repeat or write down. The purpose is to strengthen our thinking, self-confidence and thus support the achievement of goals.
- I enjoy my job!
- I look forward to what tomorrow brings!
- I believe I can do it!
- I believe in my abilities!
We can keep a vision board. It is a visual collage that represents our dreams, goals, and desires. It can be created physically or digitally.
- Career and finance: pictures of successful people, dream company logo, career advancement, symbols of wealth, investment charts, talismans: tree of life.
- Health and wellness: photos of healthy food, people in motion, meditation space.
- Personal development: quotes about growth, pictures of books, diplomas and certificates, meditation symbols.
- Relationships and love: symbols of love, photos of happy couples, friendly gatherings, family togetherness.
- Travel and adventure: pictures of places you have visited or want to visit, a picture of your passport, an airplane, the sea, the setting sun, etc.
- Housing and lifestyle: photos of your dream house, apartment, interiors, car...
- Happiness and positive energy: a picture of the sun, flowers, and everything that inspires and entertains you.
It is important to look at the board regularly and visualize your goals. Feel the positive emotions that will help you achieve your goals.
We can meditate. Create a quiet corner where no one will disturb you, light a candle, put on some pleasant music, play a singing bowl, and focus on yourself and your life for a while.
Ritual tip for the March full moon – cleansing and new beginnings
Use this simple ritual to get rid of everything old and open your mind to new possibilities.
What you will need:
- Two papers and a pen.
- A bowl of water to which you can add a few drops of essential oil, such as lavender.
- A white candle for cleansing or a green candle for new beginnings.
- Stone of your choice – amethyst, citrine, fluorite, moonstone or green aventurine.
- A little salt for grounding.
- Sage incense bundle or palo santo wood.
How about a ritual?
- Light a candle and walk through the room with a bowl of water and salt. The water will wash away old energies. You can walk through the room with a smoldering bundle of white sage or a stick of palo santo.
- Write down everything you need to get rid of – doubts, bad habits, fears.
- Ideally, burn the paper and imagine how old patterns turn into ash.
- On the second piece of paper, write down what you wish for the spring season, your intentions, wishes and goals, and hold your chosen stone in your hand, while mentally putting the energy of your intentions into it.
- Charge the stone with positive energy using moonlight.
- End the ritual: thank the Moon for its support, blow out the candle, sprinkle the salt and pour the water outside to carry away the old energy.
Use the energy of the stones associated with the Raven Full Moon for your intentions. Support your intentions with manifestations, affirmations, visualizations.
Strengthening intuition and spiritual protection, increasing understanding, peace and spiritual balance, strengthening meditation during the full moon. |
Green aventurine |
Happiness, abundance, prosperity, talisman of new beginnings, connection with nature, represents the coming spring growth and fertility |
Citrine |
Optimism and vitality, abundance and light, symbolizing the return of the sun and light |
Concentration, emotional, physical and mental balance, strengthening self-confidence and concentration, directing energy during rituals, cleansing from negative energy, promoting restful sleep |
Protection and love, a symbol of intuition, inner peace and connection with lunar energies, supporting self-reflection and enhancing meditation. Moonstone connects with natural cycles and feminine energy. |
How to best use the energy of stones during a snowy full moon?
Meditate while holding the stone in your hand, or place it on your heart chakra or Third Eye chakra (forehead).
Let the stones charge overnight with the light of the full moon to increase their energy.
Carry stones with you as talismans for protection and support of intuition.
The birthstones of people born under the sign of VIRGO are orange. Read more about color symbolism in our article. Orange stones such as orange calcite, sunstone, carnelian, moonstone, etc. are a symbol of joy, friendship, pleasure and family togetherness.
Don't forget to recharge all your stones with the moonlight of a full moon. It's gentler than sunlight, and the minerals won't fade! You can find other methods of cleansing and recharging in our article here.
We wrote the article for you on March 10, 2025.
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