IntroductionMagazineFeng ShuiFeng Shui Garden

Feng Shui Garden

In the conversational lexicon - Otto's dictionary of teachings from 1888 - 1909, we do not find the terms Feng Shui, let alone in connection with the garden. What is at one time a standard, a rule, something quite usual, over time, from the point of view of many, becomes obsolete, outdated, insufficient. The world is evolving, our view of it is evolving. You may agree with us that the view of the existence of the garden as such has not changed significantly, but the concept and implementation offer countless possibilities. If the garden is not to be used exclusively for utility purposes, then it is essentially a small work of art.

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It is amazing to be surrounded by a lush garden, and even if the space for realization is small, it is still possible to create a place where we will feel good and perceive positive energy. Feng Shui garden is one of the many ways to arrange flowers, trees, water element, colors, etc. so that you suppress the negativity that surrounds you in the everyday world and can affect you.

Top 5 garden tips by Feng Shui

The principles of Feng Shui will help to improve the energy of any space, whether it is a house, apartment, office or even a garden, regardless of its size. The goal is to create a space from which you will feel positive energy that can suppress everything negative before you enter your home.

It can take years to conjure up feng shui gardens, although time can be partially "deceived" by planting mature shrubs or trees. It all depends mainly on your intention, patience or. impatience and the desire to have a garden "now".

Type 1

Garden according to feng shui - it is necessary to get an idea of it, while its size is not the main criterion.

Type 2

Define the energy map of the garden according to Bagu. It is necessary to realize that this is an extension of the bagua of the house or apartment itself and therefore the same rules.
Create a path in the garden, if at all possible, let it wind. Straight lines are rarely found in nature, so use smooth, relaxing shapes for your garden. When designing a feng shui garden, this will ensure that the gently curved paths allow the flow of life force - cchi energy.


Bagua (also ba gua, ba-gua) translates as eight trigrams, resp. "Ba" = 8 and "gua" = area or trigram. It is a symbol representing nature as described in the Chinese Book of Changes.

Bagua is an octagonal symbol depicting the eight points of a compass, with the Chinese compass at the top south. The trigrams represent eight directions, consisting of a combination of the three life force lines of Yang and the three life force lines of Yin. Using the compass, you can determine the positive and negative directions of 8 areas of life:

Li - facing south, represents community status, fame and reputation. Element fire. Red color.
Kuen (Kchen) - heading southwest, representing love, relationships and marriage. Earth element. Pink color.
Dwei (Tchuej) - to the west, represents children and creativity. Metal element. White or pastel color.
Chyan - towards the northwest, represents willing, helpful and helpful people. Metal element. Colors white, silver and gray.
Kan - towards the north, represents a career and a life journey. Element water. Colors black and navy blue.
Gene - to the northeast, represents spiritual growth. Earth element. Color blue.
Jen (Chen) - to the east, represents health. Element wood. Green color.
Hsun (Sun) - heading southeast, representing money. Element wood. Red and magenta colors.
In the middle is Yang and Yin, representing balance, physical and spiritual health and vitality. Earth element. Yellow color.
Yin and Yang are 2 universal life forces, inseparable, interacting and influencing opposites. Jin energy is perceived as intuitive, passive and provides silent spiritual strength. Yang is an active, dynamic and spirited life energy. Provides the power of physical energy. Together, they should generate positive energy and be in tune.

In Feng Shui, ba-gua is an ancient energy system that corresponds to the way of life. It is used to find out how specific parts of homes or offices affect different areas of our lives, such as love, finance, health, etc. They show how to change and improve energy centers, enable the flow of positive energy and set goals, because everything that surrounds us, it has its specific energy that affects success or failure in our lives.

The northeastern area of the garden is associated with the energy of personal growth, the Feng Shui element is the Earth , the color of the element is brown. A solitary stone, for example, is suitable for this area.

Suitable for the water element is the southeast, which represents prosperity, wealth and abundance, the east - health and family, or the north - career and life path.

If you want to use part of the garden as a playground, it is recommended to place it to the west, which is connected with energy and creativity.

Type 3

Decide if you want to have a water feature in your garden. It can be a pond, a fountain, a small waterfall, but also a bird drinking fountain.

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The water element is symbolized by blue and black. Water is the energy of silence, strength, calm and purification. It is the embodiment of unrealized possibilities and abilities. She is pliable and very strong. The water element brings the power of regeneration and rebirth, it is the energy of the circle of life. Water energy is traditionally associated with the northern part of a room, apartment or house. It is connected with the area of career and life path. The water flow is lively and nourishing and is suitable for promoting health and well-being, at home and in the office.

Type 4

Choose garden decorations. The smallest space that can be used as a garden is a big win in itself.

Garden-Japanese lantern-maples

Carillons are an integral part of the garden. You can choose from different materials, including their combinations - metal, wood, bamboo, with different symbols, with different numbers of pipes. The decisive factor for the choice is the very sound of the carillon. Use a beautiful carillon to create a melody in which you will feel relaxed, stress-free and will have a feeling of harmony and a relaxed mind. Metal carillons are placed to the west or northwest, while wooden carillons are placed to the east.

The carillon

Garden - beautiful

Type 5

How do you know if your garden is according to Feng Shui? It's very simple. Do you feel good in your garden? Do you like to spend time in it, either by "duties" in the form of caring for it or by enjoying your work? If so, then your garden has good feng shui.

When we say garden, and each of us imagines something different, none of our ideas will miss flowers, shrubs, trees and a flood of colors. Working with colors is a great way to highlight Feng Shui elements in your garden. Use colors to bring harmony to the garden and choose colors to emphasize specific energy. The colors are far from just about flowers, but also Feng Shui elements such as fountains, lanterns, bird drinking fountains, small items.

South - red.
Southwest - red, pink, white.
West - white.
Northwest - white, gray, black.
North - black.
Northeast - black, blue, green.
East - blue, green.
Southeast - blue, purple, red.

The more happily you create a feng shui garden , the more positive energy it will give you.

She wrote the article for you on July 24, 2021: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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