IntroductionMagazineHoroscopesGemini in olive color language

Gemini in olive color language

Znamení Zvěrokruhu - Blíženci

People born between May 22 and June 21, i.e. GEMINI, are traditionally assigned olive gemstones.

Gemini is an air sign , ruled by the planet Mercury. They are characterized by a double, fluctuating nature and fondness for opposites. People born under this sign are bright and highly intelligent and tend to be multi-talented.

Precious stones for the sign of Gemini are

agate, aquamarine, amethyst , aventurine, apophyllite, cavansite , citrine, epidote, chalcedony, chrysoberyl, chrysocol, chrysoprase, jadeite, amber, calcite, carnelian , crystal with tourmaline, obsidian, peridot or olivine, rhodium, rose gold, sapphire, sardonyx, seraphinite, serpentine, sagenite, emerald, topaz, tourmaline (green), turritela, tiger's eye, turquoise, unakite, variscite, vltavine (moldavite).

Olive-colored stones and crystals bring awakening, insight, abundance, the ability to learn and allow you to know the meaning and essence of things and events.

When the vibrant green rays combine with the pure yellow rays of sunlight, a strong beam of olive color is created.
This combination awakens our abilities and at the same time supports their development. As life on earth awakens and everything blooms, it seems to be the promise of hot summer sun and a time of less energy but still strong growth, we can use olive colored stones to focus our efforts that started well but now need strength to successful completion.
Peridot / Olivine is known as a stone that represents strength . It is one of the personal stones of people born at the time when the green color of spring gives way to bright yellow and the coming summer, i.e. in the months of May to June, i.e. especially Gemini.
Olive colored stones help to focus and increase efforts to achieve wisdom and understanding of our life path. Olive increases receptivity to new meanings and ideas. They are excellent helpers in the beginning of the search for new knowledge, learning and understanding.


Olivín - přívěsek tamblovaný Stříbrné čakrové náušnice - vlnité Náramek ze sekaných kousků prehnitu Prehnis s Epidotem

In darker tones of olive color, these stones are called "teaching stones". They reflect truth and harmony and help in the beginnings of the long quest for visions, understanding and wisdom.
These stones represent: awareness, change, enhanced listening, independence, finding meaning and substance, abundance, renewal and improvement, sense of values, dealing with discouragement and small-mindedness.

Dark olive stones are excellent helpers for achieving set goals that require excessive perseverance and intentions that are not sudden, but need a long time to be realized and fulfilled, although these stones have a slow, but firm and reliable development, significantly interfering with life's challenges .

We need stones of dark olive color to support our own development, abilities, competence and talent , for better and faster ascent, for the ability to learn, intelligence, problem solving, success especially in studies, and to suppress ignorance and lack of information.

The lighter shades of olive color have a very specific purpose: they are used to increase perseverance in the search for essence, to achieve enlightenment, to deepen wisdom and to understand the natural world, including the universe. They use for efforts that require excessive concentration and painstaking precision. They help in the effort to consolidate constancy, direction and resistance especially to psychological changes that have a long duration.
We especially need these stones to increase focus, determine direction, encourage diligence, increase discipline, endurance, patience, motivation, tenacity, resilience, and mitigate failures and shortcomings.

Although olive-colored gemstones, semi-precious stones and crystals are especially intended for people born under the sign of Gemini, they can of course be acquired by anyone else. Not only for their positive effects in the physical, mental and spiritual areas, but also for joy, pleasure and good mood!

Healing stones

Important notice: all the information given here about the healing properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals is only informative, drawn from generally known information and sources. They are not instructions for bypassing classical treatment . Always remember that the use of precious healing stones is not an alternative method to conventional medical care! If you feel symptoms of any illness, always see your doctor! Use healing stone abilities only as a supplement to conventional healing, not as a replacement.

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