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Gift ideas for children

Are you thinking about what to buy for your child, who either already has a taste for precious stones and you want to support her in it, or you just want to guide your child or you want to buy just one stone as a talisman?

We have prepared for you tips for gifts from our e-shop

Choose from our tumbled stones the one that will be for happiness, for peaceful sleep, for joy or for another reason: tumbled stones
Don't know how to choose according to your zodiac sign? We will advise you: stones according to the sign

You can choose by date of birth or by color:

sodalite-tromlovany-stone-11-500x500 agate-perickovy-tromlovany-1 tigers-eye-drummed-1 caroit-tromlovany-stone-2016-11 carnelian-tromlovany-11 rhodochrosite-11-turned-by-180 amethyst-tromlovany

Choose from a wide range of amber beads , either from amber alone of various colors, or in combination with beads made of semi-precious stones and precious stones.

Your child will surely be delighted with the Tree of Happiness made from a popular stone, which is a beautiful decoration, a nice gift and an object that reminds us of a part of nature that surrounds us.

According to the date of birth - the sign of the Zodiac , or according to your wish, you can choose a guardian angel for your child.

We offer a whole range of potential gifts for your little ones, such as beautiful window stickers , you can choose from a wide range of children's bracelets , various decorative items and books.

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