Gynecological problems - prevention, causes, treatment
Through sickness we know the value of health, through evil the value of good, through hunger satiety, through fatigue rest (Heraclitus).
Gynecological problems are usually manifested by itching, burning, soreness and discharge. They are caused by inflammation caused by, for example, microorganisms, viruses, yeasts, and the infections are usually mixed.
What are the most common causes of problems? | What is prevention? Difficulties can be avoided or mitigated by observing the following measures |
swimming in polluted water (public swimming pools, swimming pools) | when swimming in a pool or swimming pool, use a tampon coated with antifungal ointment or cream |
excessive consumption of sweets | avoid the diet mistake |
wearing tight underwear | avoid frequent wearing of underwear made of synthetic materials and tight underwear |
use of hormonal contraception (the risk increases with the dose of estrogen) | consult a gynecologist |
treatment with antibiotics | during antibiotic treatment, take lactobacilli as a preventive measure, either for swallowing and/or for vaginal insertion |
certain diseases (e.g. diabetes) | consult a gynecologist |
unprotected sexual intercourse when changing sexual partners | practice protected intercourse when changing sexual partners |
Preventive measures undoubtedly include regular gynecological examinations, which are enshrined in legislation in Decree No. 3/2010 Coll., on determining the content and time range of preventive examinations.
The content of preventive examinations in the field of gynecology and obstetrics, which are carried out at the age of 15 and once a year thereafter, usually after the expiration of 11 months after the last preventive examination, is:
a) family, personal and work anamnesis and updating this anamnesis with regard to known risk factors,
b) clinical examination of the breasts at the age of 15 and from the age of 25 onwards in the case of a positive family history of hereditary or familial occurrence of breast cancer or in the presence of other risk factors,
c) skin examination and palpation examination of regional lymph nodes in the genital area,
d) examination in mirrors, colposcopic examination; not performed on virgo women (a woman who has not had intercourse);
e) collection of material from the cervix from a cytological, possibly bacteriological or virological examination; not performed on virgo women;
f) palpation bimanual (with both hands) examination,
g) instruction on the importance of preventive cancer screening,
h) practicing breast self-examination during the first examination by the registering doctor,
i) for women aged 45 and over, passing on a recommendation to perform a screening mammographic examination and the necessary additional examinations at two-year intervals;
j) determination of occult bleeding in the stool by a special test in women from 50 to 54 years of age, from 55 years of age in two-year intervals or once every 10 years a recommendation to perform a screening colonoscopy.
In addition, the contents of the tours include:
a) for children under 15 years of age
- overall assessment of the child's condition and development, instruction related to health risks and consequences related to sexual life, including instruction on protected sex, recommendations for preventive gynecological examination for girls and instruction on the possibility of vaccination against cervical cancer;
b) for children under 17 years of age
- instruction on protected sex, recommendations for preventive gynecological examination for girls.
Vaginal preparations are liquid (solutions, emulsions, suspensions, foams), semi-solid (creams, ointments), solid (tablets) and solid (suppositories, capsules) medicinal forms intended for introduction into the vagina, usually for local effect. They are usually applied with a suitable applicator.
Pharmaceutical form of medicinal products | Method of use
vaginal cream vaginal ointment | Use the included applicator to insert as deeply as possible into the vagina, preferably at night, in a supine position with slightly bent legs. Do not use the applicator during pregnancy! |
vaginal capsule | Use the included applicator or your hands to insert as deeply as possible into the vagina, lying on your back with your legs slightly bent. Do not use the applicator during pregnancy! |
vaginal suppository | Moisten the suppository with water before insertion to ensure maximum release of the active ingredient. Use the included applicator or your hands to insert as deeply as possible into the vagina, lying on your back with your legs slightly bent. Do not use the applicator during pregnancy! |
vaginal tablet | Moisten the tablet just before insertion by briefly immersing it in lukewarm boiled water. Use the included applicator or your hands to insert as deeply as possible into the vagina, lying on your back with your legs slightly bent. Do not use the applicator during pregnancy! In the morning, do not forget about the hygiene of intimate parts; washing removes the remnants of the vaginal tablet, i.e. dense white matter. |
dermal (skin) cream dermal (skin) ointment | Apply the cream or ointment in a thin layer with gauze or a cosmetic tampon (a strip of cream or ointment 0.5 cm long is enough to treat the skin the size of the palm) on the vaginal area and the rectal area. Use the cream or ointment until all symptoms disappear, then continue the treatment at least twice a week for at least 14 days to 1 month, thereby preventing a possible recurrence of the problem. |
powder for preparation of vaginal solution | apply a pre-prepared solution using an irrigator to wash the vagina and/or to rinse the external genitalia. Wash the irrigator thoroughly with warm water before the first use and after each subsequent use. |
Antifungals - treat diseases caused by yeasts, molds, fungi and some bacteria. Dermal - intended for application to the skin. Histology – a scientific discipline dealing with the study of the microscopic structure of animal tissues and organs and plant tissue. Irrigator - applicator for vaginal solution. Colposcopy - an examination method in which the vagina and cervix are examined using a microscope (the examination was introduced in 1925 by the German gynecologist Hans Hinselmann). Colonoscopy – a method of examining the large intestine with an optical device to examine body cavities and hollow organs; it is used to look for early signs of cancer of the colon and rectum, it also enables the observation of inflammatory tissue, ulcers, bleeding, etc. and the painless removal of tissue samples for histological examination. Lactobacilli - lactic acid bacteria restore the balance of the intestinal microflora. Menstruation = menses, period, cycle. Vaginal - designed to be inserted into the vagina. |
M.Sc. Radka Brichcínová
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