IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesHealing Stones Cleansing - All ways to cleanse your healing stones from negative energies

Healing Stones Cleansing - All ways to cleanse your healing stones from negative energies

These are the two most common questions we receive about healing stones. In addition to " What can I do with my healing stones? " (Answers can be found here), the second most common question is "how do I clean my healing stone? ". We therefore bring you an overview of all methods of cleaning precious stones, which you will not find anywhere else in this range. We wish you a pleasant reading!

There are many methods currently used to purify precious and healing stones and crystals in order to increase the effects of their metaphysical energy.

It has been believed since time immemorial that stones have their memory , they remember where they were, who touched them, and all the forces and energies that surrounded them. The gemstone can transfer to anyone and anything virtually any energy that is stored in it. Therefore, every healing gemstone must be cleansed from time to time of any unwanted energies that may have come in it from you, other people, or the environment in which the stones are stored.

For example, healers who use precious stones and minerals to heal other people clean their healing stones after each use because the stones could carry the pain (both physical and emotional) from the previous treatment. The stones could then transfer the pain to others if they were not cleansed of the energies that had been transferred to them during the previous treatment. If the stone absorbs negative energy, it cannot function properly for whatever purpose it was programmed for.

When is it absolutely necessary to clean the precious stone?
1. As soon as you buy it.
2. Before you program the gemstone for the purpose for which you purchased it.
3. After each use.
4. If you feel that the energy of the healing stone has been depleted.

How often should the stone be cleaned?

Stones that you use regularly - you wear as jewelry or carry them with you - should be cleaned daily. Healing stones, massage sticks and pendulums must be cleaned after each use.
Altar stones and healing stones to improve or relate the environment in a house, apartment or workplace should be cleaned at least once a month.

How long does it take for the gemstone to clear?

The time required to clean a stone varies depending on how the stone is "exhausted" and what method you use to clean it. The data further in the article represent the shortest period of cleaning of slightly "exhausted" stones. Of course, for heavily depleted stones, their cleaning will take longer than for slightly discharged stones. The newly acquired stones and the stones to be programmed will need the most time to clean. However - how long the cleansing will take is up to you - just listen to your intuition, which will tell you.

So how to clean precious and healing stones?

There are many ways to clean a stone . Which method you choose should be based on the type of stone, how much time you have and what things you have available for cleaning. But - as mentioned above - involve your intuition, let it be your guide to the cleansing process.

Natural forces, such as the basic elements of nature (fire, water, earth and air), as well as the sun, moon and plants, are very effective in clearing stones of negative energies.

Precious stones respond to the intentions of their users , so it is extremely important that during their cleansing - no matter which method you use, the goal in your mind is to send unwanted energies to a place where they cannot cause any damage. At the same time, keep in mind the desire to revive the stone with positive energy.

Methods for cleaning precious and healing stones:

Use of natural elements - fire, water, earth and air:

Fire - Carefully move the stone over the candle flame several times until you intuitively feel that it has been cleaned. Burning fire burns negative energy. This method is most suitable for stones, relevant to the element of fire. From our point of view, however, this is not the best method and we practically do not use it due to the risk of burns but also possible damage to the stone.
Smoking - carefully let the stone pass through the smoke of one of the special fumigants several times, if you do not have them, let the stone pass through the smoke from dried sage. Smoke the stone until you intuitively feel that the negative energy has been erased from it. Read more about smoking gemstones at .

Water - rinse the stone in running water . You can do this in one of three ways:

1) by placing the stone in a river or stream for a few minutes (placing the stone in a mesh bag will ensure that it stays in place),
2) leaving in the rain for several hours,
3) By keeping the stone under water, running from the tap for a few minutes. Water washes away negative energy and returns it to Earth, where it can be neutralized.
CAUTION : Never use water on soft stones such as angelite, some limestones, howlite , aragonite, azurite , dolomite, malachite , selenite, sulfur, etc. These stones dissolve to a greater or lesser extent in the water.

Earth - bury the stone in the ground for the whole day, you better mark the place. This method can also be used in the apartment, by burying the stone in a flowerpot filled with soil. Do not water the soil where the stone is buried! Soil will absorb negative energy, dissipate it and turn it into positive energy. The stones feel good in the earth because they return to where they were created and where they grew.

Air - smoke the stone on all sides with the help of a burning bundle of herbs , containingsage , or dried sage or cedar wood . You can also walk the stone through the smoke of sandalwood or incense . Sage is a very effective cleanser, neutralizes negative energy and converts it into positive energy. Of course , you can also use other herbs or resins that will make you comfortable. You can find a wide selection of fumes, herbs and resins here :

Sea salt - one of the best ways to clean stones is with water and sea salt . You can do this by rinsing the stone in a mesh bag in the sea for a few minutes. As an alternative, you can choose to soak the stone in a glass of water with a pinch of sea salt for a few hours.

CAUTION : Salt can damage the finish of some stones. Water can damage soft and brittle stones. If you place the stone in dry sea salt (without water), its electromagnetic field may be damaged.

Light - place the stone in place in bright sunlight for at least one hour, either outdoors or on a window sill.

WARNING : Solar energy may be too strong for some stones that have been created within the Earth element. Sunlight can cause the color of some stones to fade. An alternative and gentler method is to place the stone in the moonlight for at least one night on the full moon and two or more nights if the moon is not full.

Sound - produce tones with the help of a bell, carillon , tuner or "singing bowl". Repeat the sound until you feel that the stone is free of negative energy . Pure tones permeate the precious stone with its vibrations so that it can no longer hold the negative energy that swirls away.

Breath - hold the stone near your heart as you take a deep breath. Then put the stone to your mouth and exhale vigorously at it. Repeat this several times, always keeping in mind your intention to cleanse the stone of all negative energies. Your breath (Breath of Life) combined with your intention is a great cleansing force that can sufficiently cleanse the stone of negative energies. Your intuition will tell you when the cleansing is complete.

Visualization - imagine a column of pure white or golden light descending from above and surrounding your stone. Keep in mind that you intend for the stone to be purified and to convert negative energies into positive ones. The visualization combined with your cleaning intent is strong enough to clean the stone. And again, you need to listen to your intuition.

Plants - Place the stone in a pot with one of your plants for several hours. Just as living plants clean the air, they can also clean the stones and convert negative energy into positive energy. If you do not have plants available, an alternative method is to place the stone in a glass of dried sage or cedar wood for one day. Herbs absorb negative energies, so the same ones must not be used repeatedly. Always burn herbs after use, bury them in the ground or throw them into a river or stream.

Purification on natural crystal crystals - place the stone on a large crystal of crystal or in a bowl filled with small crystals of crystal for at least one day. Quartz crystal crystals can perfectly remove negative energies without being affected by them - so there is no need to worry that the energy from the purified stone will be transferred to the crystal crystals.

Pyramid - leave a stone under a glass pyramid for a few days . The energy produced by the pyramid has the ability to neutralize the negative energy that is stored in the stone.

Purification of precious and healing stones can be done either using only one of these methods or a combination of them, such as the four elements of earth, or light and crystal crystals , or plants and breath, or smoking and visualization and sound - just to name a few. many options. Combinations typically involve the use of any of two to five different methods of purification.

All cleansing methods are compatible with each other, so don't be afraid to use any combinations that you intuitively feel are right for your stone and for you. Cleaning stones using a combination of methods is especially suitable for cleaning new stones, cleaning stones that you intend to program for a specific purpose and for quickly recharging heavily depleted stones . The combination of individual methods will help you clean the stones more efficiently and often much faster.

Important note: all data given here on the healing properties of precious stones, semi-precious stones and minerals are only informative, drawn from generally known information and sources. They are not a guide to bypassing conventional treatment . Always keep in mind that the use of precious stones is not an alternative method to conventional medical care! If you feel symptoms of any disease, always see your doctor! Use healing stone abilities only as an adjunct to conventional treatment, not as a substitute.

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