IntroductionMagazineFeng ShuiHematite and Feng Shui

Hematite and Feng Shui

Hematite is a powerful protective stone and one of the best stones for Feng Shui. Hematite groundes, protects, balances the body, mind and spirit. It removes everything unfavorable and prevents negative energies from entering the aura, establishing peace, tranquility and harmony. It increases self-confidence, the ability to survive and helps women overcome shyness. It contributes to better concentration, improves memory, helps fight overeating, smoking and other bad habits.

Here are two tips for using rosemary in Feng Shui:

  1. If your child has difficulty concentrating and tends to be hyperactive, then a few pieces of hematite will bring grounding energy into the space to help the child concentrate. You can place the hematite either in the children's room or in the western feng shui area of your home. This is the area in feng shui for children and creativity.
  2. Hematite jewelry is often used in feng shui to ground and balance the energies of both body and mind, but above all, hematite is worn as a protective stone.


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