IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasHematite - do you know its effects?

Hematite - do you know its effects?

Why hematite? Why should we have it with us?

Hematite is iron oxide, the most important iron ore. The name comes from the Greek "haima" through the Latin haema captures its color, reminiscent of blood - the older name of the mineral is blood. The shiny crystals are steel-gray to black, sometimes red. In the Czech Republic, it occurs, for example, in the Ore Mountains, in the world in North America, Ukraine, China, India, Australia, Brazil, Venezuela and others. Degree of hardness: 5 - 6.

Minerals - hematite_various sizes

Hematite in legends and traditions

Hematite is traditionally used for meditation, for calming. The ancient Egyptians used it as an amulet before madness. It is said from Babylonian times that hematite was used as a "lawyers' stone" to help people who are involved in court cases.

In folk traditions, it is considered a grounding, protective stone, which is to balance the body, mind and spirit.

Hematite - effects

If the effects of hematite are mentioned, or you are looking for hematite healing effects or hematite effects in one of the internet search engines, they cannot be confused, for example, with healing effects, which must be substantiated by a clinical trial. However, some drugs have a placebo effect in some diseases, which is due to the patient's belief in treatment.

Hematite and chakras

Hematite is associated with the root chakra and the solar plexus chakra.
The basic chakra is the place where our self-confidence, self-confidence, feelings of security reside.

Hematite and Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, hematite represents the energy of water , which is symbolized by blue and black . These colors can be used to suit any space that is used for rest , meditation, relaxation or prayer. Water energy is traditionally associated with the entrance or the northern part of a room , apartment or house. It is connected with the area of career and life path. If you want to keep your life moving forward towards the set goals, use the energy of water elements.

Water is the energy of silence, power, calm and purification. It is the embodiment of unrealized possibilities and abilities. She is pliable and very strong. The water element brings the power of regeneration and rebirth, it is the energy of the circle of life. Water energy is traditionally associated with the northern part of a room, apartment or house. It is connected with the area of career and life path.

The flow of hydropower is symbolized by blue and black. Stones of this color are placed in rooms for rest, meditation or prayer and are used to support the achievement of set goals. The watercourse is lively and nourishing and is suitable for promoting health and well-being, both at home and in the office.

The steel gray color of hematite in Feng Shui represents neutrality and balance.

Gray is emotionless, usually associated with terms such as dull and indistinct, but is formal, conservative, timeless, and practical. Dark gray carries the power and mystery of black , but lacks its negativity. Light gray has the attributes of white . Dark gray is attributed to masculine energy, light gray to feminine energy.

In Feng Shui, gray represents the energy of metal , intelligence, creativity and the power of healing. It is an energy of thought, heavy, often destructive, but necessary for our lives. It represents the power of thinking and supports the ability to be as we should be.

Metal energy is traditionally associated with the northwestern and western parts of a room, apartment or house. It encourages creativity, concentration and is the energy of one's own effort and determination.

Black crystals, minerals and stones are a symbol of strength and protection.

Black indicates the absence of light, such as a dark night sky between the stars. The dark night is perceived as a time of unrest, people are usually afraid of things unknown. Although this color is often perceived negatively and associated with something that ends because it expresses sadness, black stones are still used as amulets, protecting against restlessness, fear, anxiety and anxiety. Traditionally, a piece of black stone was laid at the front door to protect the dwelling. Skoryl (black tourmaline) and onyx are used as protection against physical suffering. Black should strengthen courage, physical and mental strength.
The black crystals support each other with green stones (personal stones of people born in the sign of Taurus, ie from April 20 to May 21). Together they provide safety and security.

Which place is best for hematite in terms of Feng Shui?
According to the Bagua region: the Chyan area - towards the northwest, represents willing, helpful and helpful people. Black, which symbolizes the energy of water - located in the Kan area - to the north, represents a career and a journey of life.

Hematite is one of the minerals you should definitely consider, whether in the form of a tumbled piece, jewelry, a tree of fortune, a bracelet or even a keychain.
And how to take care of your hematite, how to clean and recharge it, you can find out here.

She wrote the article for you on October 30, 2021: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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