IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasHematite - meaning, its effects and properties

Hematite - meaning, its effects and properties

Uses of hematite: healing, grounding, protection, memory enhancement
Properties of hematite: a projective stone, assigned to the planet Saturn and the element of fire.
Hematite is a strange, enchanting, silvery gray, heavy stone that is powerful in drawing disease from the body, grounds, protects, balances body, mind and spirit, carries a strong yang element, ensures meridian imbalances, thereby correcting yin imbalances. It removes everything unfavorable and prevents negative energies from entering the aura, establishing calm, peace and harmony. It increases self-confidence, the ability to survive and helps women overcome shyness.
Contributes to concentration, improves memory (especially effective for mathematics and technical subjects). It helps to overcome various restrictions that the owner has set for himself, helps to fight overeating, smoking and other bad habits.
Medicinal uses and effects of hematite: stops bleeding, maintains a healthy blood condition and cures all blood-related diseases, expels fever from the body, treats circulatory problems, supports kidney function, iron storage, blood cell formation. At the same time, hematite treats leg cramps, helps to straighten the back and also has a beneficial effect on fractures. Relieves anxiety and insomnia.
Location: North America, Ukraine, China, India, Australia, England, Netherlands, Elba, Brazil, Venezuela, Liberia
Color: steel gray
Technical description: oxide, it is the most important iron ore, it contains up to 70%, opaque, with a strong metallic luster, without fission, the name comes from the Greek haimatius – blood red. Its occurrence is abundant and in many different forms: steel gray strongly shiny crystals are called specularite, thinly flaky hematite is called mica, rosette-fused crystals are iron roses.
Degree of hardness: 5-6

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