IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesHow to choose your personal gemstone

How to choose your personal gemstone

Today it is quite common for people to have their own personal stone . A personal stone can be associated with a zodiac sign or month of birth. It can be a stone in a piece of jewelry that you love, or "just" a stone in your favorite color. But it will always be your personal precious stone, to which you will feel a deep connection.

The famous American prophet Edgar Cayce said that all gemstones have vibrations , but not all work the same way on people. To get the best benefits from the stone, then a deep feeling for the precious stone must be present.

Methods that can be used to find your personal stone:

Precious stones by planets

In the early texts of Ayurveda and Tantra, certain gemstones were related to specific parts of the body. The nine gems are associated with the planets and parts of the moon. This method is often used by people who have problems with body parts and are looking for a suitable personal healing stone .

Precious stones according to the Zodiac

Another Eastern method of choosing a stone is to find stones that are connected to your Zodiac sign . With this method of selection, it is necessary to remember that each sign of the Zodiac also has stones that must be avoided! You can find an overview of all precious stones by Sign HERE

Precious stones by date of birth

In the West, as early as the fifth century BC, there were twelve stones that adorned the breastplate of the Hebrew high priest and were associated with the twelve signs of the zodiac, and later with the twelve months of the year. Precious stones , traditionally assigned to each month, are primarily determined by Anglo-Saxon culture.

Precious stones by color

Your instinctive reactions to different colors will help you choose the right gemstone for you. Use the color method to find stones that will help you for a long time or for a specific purpose. Make sure you keep a clear intention in mind when using this method.

Collect a collection of paper, fabric or stones in the following colors: red, pink, brown, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, black, gray. Place this selection of colors or colored stones right in front of you. Close your eyes and let your breath calm down. Think of being alerted to a stone or color when you open your eyes. The color or stone on which your eye fell is the color of the personal stone. If you used colored fabrics or paper, Browse through our store and look for a gemstone of the same color. You will definitely find yours. Our search filter, where you enter the selected stone color, will make your search significantly easier.

Precious stones according to their meaning

Some stones have properties that seem to match your personality characteristics. These properties make them very useful personal stones . Another option is to choose stones according to the characteristics you want to develop in yourself. For example, if you know that you are indecisive, you can choose fluorite , which helps to make difficult decisions. Read carefully the meaning of gemstones when using this method.

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