IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesHow to recognize a sapphire?

How to recognize a sapphire?

Sapphire is a gemstone, a variety of corundum, alumina. It occurs as natural, laboratory-grown or artificially made, and in addition to jewelry, it is used for watch glasses and bearings, where its hardness is applied. Unlike corundum, which is pure alumina, sapphires contain admixtures of other elements such as iron, magnesium, copper, etc., which give it color - blue, red, yellow, purple, pink, orange or green.


The name of this gemstone is derived from lat. sapphirus, ie a gem. They are divided into blue and fancy colors (blue). The most valuable sapphires are Kashmiri, Burmese and Sri Lankan.

How to recognize a real sapphire

Raman spectrometry, for example, can be used to confirm authenticity, the principle of which is to measure the difference in energies of the so-called vibrational levels of a molecule. The vibration of molecules changes the length and angle of chemical bonds between individual atoms.

Many substances contain a valence electron, which can be excited to a higher energy level by electromagnetic radiation. This substance absorbs radiation of a certain wavelength and photon energy, which corresponds to the difference between the two electron levels. That it's too much of a professional theory? Importantly, each substance has its own constant absorption spectrum and can be identified accordingly.

Sapphire is a stone of wisdom, it brings peace, it protects love, it supports loyalty. It attracts wealth and prosperity.

The sapphire is a gemstone that can traditionally be dedicated to the wedding anniversary, on the 5th, 45th and 65th. Alternatively, it can be used on the 23rd anniversary. 

Read more in the article Traditional wedding anniversary gifts.

She wrote the article for you on March 11, 2022: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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