IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesHow to recognize Czech grenades

How to recognize Czech grenades

In a series of articles "how to know" we have already written how to know sapphire, shungite, moldavite , moonstone and diamond.

You can read an article about the Czech garnet mainly about its deposits: Czech garnet and its unmistakable color.

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Czech garnet is a semi-precious stone, pyrope, composed of magnesium-aluminum silicate. Its name is derived from its fire-like color, from the Greek pyropos-like fire. It is located in the Bohemian Central Mountains and its color is deep red.

Minerals belonging to the garnet group include:

- almandine: brownish red to black
- andradite: various shades of red, yellow, green, brown and black
- calderit
- goldmanite
- grosular: light green to amber yellow or deep brown
- hesonite: grosular variety, honey yellow color
- hibschit
- katoit
- kimzeyit
- majority
- morimotoit
- pyrope: blood red to black
- schorlomit
- spessartin: dark red to brownish red
- boil: emerald green color.

Czech garnets can be identified by their size, usually about 1 - 7 mm (these are more of an exception) and by their deep red to fiery color, unlike almandine, which has a raspberry, ruby, to purple-brown color and can be much larger than Czech pyropes.

An example of an almandine garnet certificate can be found here.

Whether it is a real Czech garnet, almandine or another mineral included in the garnet group, each of them will find their admirer and owner, whom they will make happy and happy.

She wrote the article for you on March 25, 2022: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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