IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesHow to recognize the moonstone?

How to recognize the moonstone?

Simply put, the moonstone is a feldspar, typical of igneous rocks of the granite type, occurring together with orthoclase. It has a typical effect called adularescence. It is an optical phenomenon, which is caused by refraction and reflection, respectively. scattering and interference (interweaving of light waves) of the sun's rays in the layers inside the mineral. The effect can be compared to the moonlight reflected on the surface. Glare can be milky, white, bluish, blue or orange.


The term adularescence is derived from the adular, a shiny mineral from the group of feldspars, resp. its orthoclase varieties with albite. The name was introduced in 1780 by Ermenegild Pini after the location of the Adulagebirge in Switzerland.

In opal this effect is called opalescence, in labradorite labradorescence, if the play of rainbow colors is indistinct, it is the so-called chatoyant effect, ie the effect of a cat's eye (eg tiger's eye), ie shimmering, silky.

How to recognize a real moonstone

An Abbe refractometer is used to verify authenticity, which is used to measure the refractive index of liquid and solid substances, an ultraviolet fluorescent lamp, an infrared spectrometer and a gemological microscope (examination of the structure of the material). Infrared spectroscopy is a spectroscopic, qualitative and quantitative method of analytical chemistry that provides a very accurate identification of an isolated substance.

An example of a moonstone certificate can be found here.

The moonstone was used by the Romans to make jewelry almost two thousand years ago. In India, the moonstone is still a sacred stone of lovers, and jewelry with this stone is traditionally given here as a wedding gift. Since ancient times, the moonstone has been associated with the magic of the moon, it is still used as a protection amulet for travelers and as a gift of lovers for a strong relationship and passion. Rainbow Moonstone positively affects our behavior, emotions and spiritual growth. The moonstone soothes and encourages, teaches us the natural rhythms of our lives. It helps reconcile estranged partners and lovers. Bluefire Moonstone is a stone of hope that helps self-confidence and supports our personality.

She wrote the article for you on March 4, 2022: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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