IntroductionMagazineAdvice from the Master of PharmacyInstructions - how to use oils

Instructions - how to use oils

In this article, we summarize the use of essential or essential oils.

Essential oils - use

It might seem that the use of essential oils other than by evaporation through the aroma of a lamp or aroma diffuser is inappropriate or perhaps dangerous, but this is not true.


Essential oils can be used through aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy is an alternative medicine, the purpose of which is to calm or stimulate the mind, improve the quality of sleep and sleep, suppress headaches, relieve the symptoms of colds, rhinitis and upper respiratory diseases. Although the effects of aromatherapy are not documented in clinical studies, this does not mean that it has no effects. Essential oils contain active ingredients that are widely used in medicine and pharmacy.

In pharmacy, essential oils are used to mask an unpleasant odor or taste, as a so-called correction. Many essential oils have their own healing effects - antiseptic and disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic, derivative, antispasmodic (relieve smooth muscle spasms), diuretic (support diuresis, urinary excretion), carminative (act against bloating), promote appetite (stomachica), relax airways, coughing up (expectorants).
They are used, for example, in nasal preparations (drops, ointments, sprays), oral preparations, ointments, creams, etc. Because they are highly concentrated substances, essential oils are used in medicinal products in small amounts.
Both essential oils and substances obtained from them are used - eg camphor, menthol, thymol, etc.

These are volatile substances, some containing ingredients to attract insects, others insect repellent. Dried lavender is traditionally used against moths.

Paradoxically, the most popular on the Internet are "essential oils".

Essential oils - use

So what's the difference between essential and essential oils? Essential oils are prepared artificially, although the ingredients may also come from natural sources. Essential oils contain fragrances that do not occur in nature or cannot be obtained, for example, by distillation or other processes. Examples are banana scent, wild strawberries, etc., in contrast to the purely natural essential oils of pine, jasmine or rose.

Instructions for use of essential and essential oils: pour water into a bowl of aroma lamp or aroma diffuser and add a few drops of oil, approx. 5 - 10. If the aroma is not intense enough, it can be added gradually. Top up the evaporated water while the candle is burning. A wide selection of aroma lamps can be found here. You can find a selection of aroma diffusers here.

If you use a pot-pourri - a mixture of fragrant herbs to scent the surrounding air, then you can drip essential or fragrant oils onto the dried herbs. They are best absorbed by wood, from which the fragrant components are released for a long time.

Aroma lamp wax - use        

Essential oils can be replaced by fragrant waxes. Instructions for using fragrant wax: Put the wax in a bowl of aroma lamps. The heat of the candle flame melts the wax and releases the fragrant ingredients. The wax can be allowed to solidify and used repeatedly. The scent will be less intense with repeated use. Never mix with water.

Warning: do not use oils internally or externally (to combat the skin and mucous membranes). These are concentrated substances that can cause variously intense phototoxic reactions on the skin, manifested by blistering, redness, pain.

She wrote the article for you on December 8, 2021: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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