IntroductionMagazineWorking with stonesInstructions - shamballa

Instructions - shamballa

Shamballa bracelets it is one of the most sought-after hand ornaments for both women and men. The original meaning of the bracelet is not only decorative, but this type of bracelet was a symbol of peace, enlightenment and perfection. The name is derived from the mythical kingdom believed by Tibetan Buddhists. Shamballa bracelets are unique in their processing, which consists in tying knots made of string made of cotton, nylon or other material.


Bracelets can be made only of the strings themselves, or they can be complemented with ornaments of various materials - minerals, pearls, acrylic, wood, metal, glass, in various shapes, sizes and colors.

The color of the string can be chosen according to the signs of the Zodiac, where each sign is traditionally assigned a specific color, eg Taurus is green, Scorpios are red, Cancer is yellow. Read more here.

The color of the string, but also of the ornaments, can be chosen, for example, according to the color of the individual chakras - green or pink color of the heart chakra, indigo color of the Third Eye chakra (frontal chakras), orange color of the sacral chakra. Read more here.

The color of the string can also express one of the five basic Feng Shui elements.
Element Wood - color brown and green, represents family, health, prosperity and abundance.
Metal Element
- white, silver and gray, represents intelligence, creativity and healing power.
Element of Fire
- yellow, purple, amethyst, orange and red, represents activity and enlightenment. Strong fire represents the energy of enthusiasm, warmth, passion, warmth, light and activity.
Element of Water
- color blue and black, represents peace, calm, power and purification.
Element Earth
- brown color, represents stability, patience, honesty, balance and ingenuity.

Did you know that symbolism can be expressed in color?
White is a symbol of purity, unity and innocence, a symbol of energy, it encourages self-knowledge, thought processes and perception of one's own consciousness.  
Black is a symbol of strength and protection.
The purple color symbolizes creativity, new beginnings and knowledge. Purple / amethyst is a symbol of creativity, perception, self-knowledge and understanding.
The orange color is a symbol of joy, friendship, pleasure and family togetherness. f Orange is the color of joy, friendship and physical pleasure. The passion of these rays is a combination of red and gold. Joy is pure emotion, elusive but cordial

Bracelet knotting - instructions
The shamballa bracelet can be single or double.
Shamballa bracelet instructions can be found here.

Are you interested in bracelets - materials, design, production methods? You can find the article here.

She wrote the article for you on December 25, 2021: Mgr. Radka Brichcínová

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