IntroductionMagazineStone AtlasJade


Medicinal uses: helps the body heal itself by acting on the non-physical problems that caused the disease, heals the kidneys, bladder, heart, stomach, hips, spleen, detoxifies, restores the cellular and skeletal system, increases fertility, aids in childbirth
Uses: prosperity, money, protection, love, longevity, wisdom, healing
Properties: a receptive stone, assigned to the planet Venus and the element of water.
It is an ancient, sacred stone of the Far East that attracts love, has the power to prolong life, attract money, provides prosperous energy in business dealings, raises the wisdom of the spirit, protects against misfortunes and accidents, helps prevent diseases and health problems. It is a symbol of purity and balance, it brings harmony, happiness and friendship into life. Releases emotions and irritability, calms the mind. As a dream stone, placed on the forehead, it brings dreams that look deep inside us.
Green jade – calms the nervous system, harmonizes dysfunctional relationships, helps realize desires and passions, is closest to the center of the heart.
Yellow jade - brings joy, happiness, energy, encouragement. It improves the function of the digestive and excretory system.
Colors: white, green, purple, orange, pink, brown, yellow, red, blue, black
Location: Japan, China, USA, Russia, Korea
Technical description: silicate, pyroxene, the green variety of which is also referred to or rather often confused with nephrite (jadeite has a granular structure, nephrite is silky-fibrous), is translucent to opaque, glassy to oily luster, with good cleavage.

Degree of hardness: 6-7

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