Jasper of the Pilbara
Jasper is an opaque variety of chalcedony (the main component is silica with various inclusions) and occurs in a wide variety of colors, especially black, brown, red and yellow. Deposits of Pilbara jasper are in the region of the same name in Western Australia, but it is also found in Brazil, China and India.
It is a protective, nurturing stone that absorbs and transforms negative energy. Jasper is often used for chakra alignment. It is a great helper for those who don't want to be bored in life. It is used to support vitality and endurance , to increase energy . Chakra harmonization corresponds to the colors of jasper, that is, jasper affects the type of chakra according to what color it is.
Medicinal use: mainly psychological problems, such as tendencies to alcohol dependence, helps with digestive problems , nausea, suppresses nightmares and is suitable for suppressing the symptoms of travel sickness. It is used in diseases of the urinary tract.
At the emotional level , it reduces stress and tension .
Country of origin: Pilbara region of Western Australia.
Zodiac sign: Leo
Degree of hardness: 7