IntroductionMagazineFeng ShuiKakoxen (Super 7) in Feng Shui

Kakoxen (Super 7) in Feng Shui

Kaxoxen pendant silver P315 1 Kakoxen (Super 7) in Feng Shui with a yellow or golden shade uses the subdued energy of fire, the energy of enthusiasm, fervor, clarity, enlightenment and activity, emotion and passion. Yellow is the color of the sun and is the energy of light. In nature, it symbolizes the male element Yang, i.e. male energy, light and creative power, which personifies reason and penetration. The energy of fire is traditionally associated with the southern part of a room , apartment or house and ensures the reputation of the dwelling and one's own position within the family.
Kakoxen in shades of brown uses the energy of the earth , the light brown energy of stability, patience, honesty, balance and resourcefulness.
Use light brown crystals to enhance a space that is a resting place where you want to feel safe and protected.
Earth energy is traditionally associated with the northeast and southwest areas of a room , apartment, or house. This is the area of skills and knowledge and the area of love and relationships, with skills and knowledge represented by blue crystals and love and relationships by pink stones.

Other stones representing the energy of fire include, for example, amethyst, rose gold, eudialyte, carnelian, tiger's eye, citrine, red jasper, and stones representing the energy of earth include, for example, Mexican fire agate and others.

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